Can the mystery of 'Brahmastra' energy be solved?

- Ancient times with the help of modern science

- Future Science - KR Chowdhury

Recently, Russian President Putin warned in the context of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine that Russia will use "all available weapon systems" to protect its "territorial integrity", the "people" of Russia, as well as the "independence" of Russia. Interpreting this warning, experts explained that 'Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if necessary'. During World War II, America used nuclear weapons on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, Hiroshima. The history of the damage done to mankind by nuclear weapons is still before the public eye.' At times like these, when Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons, the feet of a good nation begin to sweat.' Talking in the language of science, today's nuclear weapons are the 'Brahmastra' of modern science.

With the Bollywood movie 'Brahmastra' also hitting the theaters recently, it is the right time to scientifically talk about 'Brahmastra' as it has been used since ancient times. The concept of atom has been expressed in ancient texts of the world. If people in ancient times knew about atoms, did they develop nuclear weapons? Did you know about nuclear energy? It is very difficult to get a direct answer to this question and scientific evidence. Scientists and archaeologists have found some such evidence. Which puts us in the dubious realm of speculation that 'we think ancient people had knowledge of nuclear physics and nuclear weapons/energy.'

Ancient 'Brahmastra'

'Charged with all the power of the universe, a pillar of light, smoke and fire, brilliancy like a thousand suns, it was an unknown weapon, a thunderbolt of iron, a messenger of a great death, which caused the whole race, reduced to ashes, beyond recognition. ... The corpses were so charred, hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without apparent reason, and the birds turned white,... After a few hours, all the food was infected.... To avoid this fire So, to wash themselves and their equipment, the soldiers threw themselves into the rivers' What do you remember reading the above sketchy description? The author of the book 'We Are Not the First' remembers the situation created when the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Remember that the above text shows the horror of a weapon, reading which reminds us of atomic bomb. In fact this text depicts the destruction of the 'Brahmastra' used by Bhishma, Arjuna, and Ashvasthama on the battlefield of the Mahabharata.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first nuclear explosion took place near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The originator of this explosion was the great scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Seeing the 'nuclear explosion' reminded Oppenheimer of a verse from the Bhagavad Gita. Which meant 'if the brightness of a thousand suns burst into the sky at once, it would be like the splendor of the mighty'. Recalling this incident two decades later, J. Robert Oppenheimer quoted some verses from Fariwar Gita in a TV interview. Which meant 'I have become death, I am also the destroyer of the world'. In short, modern nuclear weapons are acting like ancient 'Brahmastra' in today's science age.

Were nuclear weapons detonated in ancient times?

On February 16, 1947, an article appeared in the New York Herald-Tribune newspaper. Ivan to the text. T. A writer named Sanderson reprinted it in the January 1970 issue of Nijiya magazine. Which was the gist. 'When the first atomic bomb was detonated in New Mexico, the desert sands stuck together and turned into sheets of green glass 'in short, the silica turned into glass at very high temperatures.' Seeing this incident, the minds of archaeologists of the world flashed like lightning. Archaeologists saw a wonder during excavations and sometimes above the surface of the earth. 'Sheets of unbreakable green glass' were seen scattered in some places around the world. Which matched the green glass phenomenon observed after the atomic bomb explosion. So could it mean that there were nuclear bomb explosions in the past? Surface sand can also be turned into glass by lightning strikes and space meteorite collisions. Which is called 'vitrification' in the language of science. But after the nuclear explosion, the sand turns into glass, its structure is different.

Brad Steiger and Ron Calais in their book 'Mysteries of Time Space' write that 'Albion W. was one of the first engineers to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hart was assigned an engineering project in the interior of Africa. While Hart and his men were traveling through the inaccessible region, they first had to cross a vast expanse of desert.

At that time he saw 'a very large area of ​​desert sand, covered with a sheet of green glass. Seeing this, he got confused. At that time Hart was unable to explain this structure of nature. In an article on Hart's life in the journal 'Raw and Minerals' (No. 396, 1972), this fact is noted by Margaret Casson. Margaret mentions that 'Albion w. Hart, during his lifetime, passed through the White Sands area after the first atomic explosion, and saw the kind of silica fusion he had seen in the African desert fifty years earlier.' What does this prove? Was a nuclear weapon detonated here in ancient times?

'Libyan Desert Glass': Mystery Unsolved

In 1932, a surveyor of the Egyptian Geological Survey, PP Klett, while driving in the Egyptian desert, saw a strange type of glass seat (chadar). Its color was yellowish green. On chemical analysis of which, more than 98 percent silica content was found in the glass. In modern ultra-pure glass, such proportions are found. How could this type of sheet have been formed in the desert of Egypt? P. Clayton was not the first person to see this type of glass sheet. At the land burial site of Tunten-Khamun, several such glass objects were found. Known as 'Libyan desert glass' Khzrtat (nghay). An article about the mysterious formation of 'Libyan Desert Glass' was published in the 'New Scientist' magazine of 10 July 1999. The mystery of the green glass has not yet been solved.

One such mystery is the variety of construction walls found in Scotland, Britain. Which is known as the wall of the fort. The formation of these walls is known as 'vitrified wall'. That means the material used in the wall has turned into glass. Does this evidence show past nuclear war? About the vitrification of silica, there is a text in the book 'Arthur Clarke's Mysterious World'. A chemical analysis of the glass-like materials used in the fort revealed that 'vitrification' of the material required a temperature of over 1100°C.

800 degree temperature is required to get hydrogen from water. A temperature of 1300 degrees is required to make a carbon based solar cell. When a volcano erupts, the temperature of its lava is more than 1000 degrees. Iron melts at a temperature of 1535 degrees. How would temperatures in excess of 1,000 degrees over a large area be generated for sheets of glass found in deserts or vitrification seen in castles in Scotland? Vitrification took place due to the energy application of temperature molecules over a large area.? The needle of suspicion is pointed towards nuclear bomb explosions in the past.

The 'half life' of a radioactive substance and...

In the Indus Valley Civilization of the Indian subcontinent, ancient human skeletons are found scattered along the streets. No evidence of any weapon was found on them. Historian How would the Indus Valley Civilization have come to an end? Just guessing for that. Could these people have died from a nuclear weapon explosion? Generally, if nuclear weapons are used, the presence of radioactive material is found in the human body. Russian archaeologist A. Gorbowski published the book 'Riddles of Ancient History' in 1966. The amount of radioactive material found in ancient human skulls from some places in India is 50 times higher than normal radiation. Some black colored stones have been found above the Mohen-Jo-Daro site. The black clay vessels are inferred to have turned into black stone at a very high temperature. How did such a high temperature generate that the black clay turned into black stone? Because of nuclear energy weapons testing?

Time has been measured in multiples of 60 and 24 since ancient times in India. In Brihatshatak, the day is divided into 60 arts. 1 art is exactly 24 minutes. Kala is then measured in Vikala, Para, Tatpara, Vitatpara, E and finally in Kshat. 1 damage means 3 to 10-8 seconds. which represents time between current micro and nanoseconds. Such a subtle measure of time is used by modern science to measure the 'half life' of a radioactive substance. The half life i.e. half life of isotopes of radioactive substances lithium, sodium, uranium, curium, thorium, polonium, radium etc. can be measured in 'Kshat' i.e. nano seconds. So did the ancients also reach the microscopic level of 3 t 10-8, time lapse to understand radioactive material? If so, can the ancients be said to have known nuclear physics? Can it even be assumed that someone who knew the basics of nuclear physics had knowledge of nuclear shows?
