How much energy does the body need?

That is the amount of energy that we get from food. Brain, muscles need constant energy. We keep spending the energy we get from the burden in other small and big work. If the body does not get sufficient amount of energy, weakness occurs. No heavy work can be done. Body energy is measured in calories. A person stays healthy if the calorie balance is maintained. If there is a proper amount of calories in the human body, the energy is felt. If calories increase, the body slows down. There is laziness in working.

Average daily requirement of male body is 2200 to 2500 calories. Since men's bodies are larger in size than women and have more muscle mass, they require more energy.

A woman's body needs an average of 1800 to 2200 calories per day. Women's body has less muscle mass than men's, so the energy requirement is also less. According to research, men's body consumes 400 more calories than women's.

People living in villages and cities have different energy requirements in their bodies. People living in cities in India get an average of 2169 calories from food. People living in villages have to do more physical work, resulting in an average food intake of 2214 calories.

How much energy is expended every day?

Working in the kitchen garden for 30 minutes burns 315 calories.

Walking up and down stairs for 30 minutes burns 285 calories.

Even by rubbing the body for 30 minutes and bathing

Burns 70 calories!

Automatic cleaning of windows and doors

If you do, 120 calories are spent.

Washing a car with water consumes 150 calories as it takes a lot of effort.

30 minutes of power yoga burns 125 calories.

If 20-30 dishes are washed, 250 to 260 calories are burnt.

Sweeping and ironing can burn 150 calories.

How much energy to burn to lose weight?

People who are trying to lose weight need to burn 500 to 1000 calories per day. If you burn so many calories every day, you will lose weight significantly. Physical activity burns the most calories. Apart from that, calories can be burned by means including diet. Calories are managed to keep the body's energy supply in order and to get the body working properly. Compared to a decade and a half ago, the trend of 21st century calorie-wise diet has increased.
