- Flowing Life-Dr. A hard worker
- Mad Himanshu's sanity behind his wife is dead, he thought. 'Now there is no bungalow or any property in Bana's name, so let's put him in an old age home.'
Diwali festivities were approaching. Festival celebrations were going on all over Gujarat, on the other hand entire Gujarat and Ahmedabad were engulfed in dengue fever. After the monsoon, dengue mosquitoes have increased due to mosquito infestation, garbage piles, water puddles etc. Weak and elderly citizens were getting trapped in this.
In an old age home fifty miles away from Ahmedabad, a ninety-year-old Hansaba was also caught in dengue fever. The fever did not drop below one hundred two three. Since he did not eat or drink anything for five days, his body was worn out. The tongue was dry, the eyes were blurred and the vision was reduced. The manager of the old age home started thinking worriedly after seeing this condition of the old lady, 'This old woman doesn't seem to be able to take more days.'
All the other old people and old people of the old age home were worried about Hansaba's condition and took care of him. Charitable Trust NGO. In the old age home run by M.D. Where to get the service of the doctor? Even though it was 100 months, Hansaben was flailing and tossing and turning in high fever during the hot days. Matla water was also hot, which I did not want to drink. In an old age home, there is no hope of luxurious facilities like air-conditioner and fridge.
All were of the opinion that one of his sons Himanshu and son-in-law Hetal should be called to meet the latter in his last days. The manager connected Himanshu's mobile. 'Brother, now your Hansaba doesn't seem to be able to take more days. If you want to meet for the last time, both of you should come.
Himanshu reached home and told his wife Hetal about Bani's condition. His only son Harsh was also saddened to hear this.
Hetal said 'Maji seems to be pretending. By doing so, he wants to call us there.'
Hearing this, Himanshu's voice rose. 'The nine-year-old's condition is serious due to dengue, and you are not ashamed to talk like this!' Harsh of twenty years also irritated mom. 'Mommy, should such a thing be said in the last days of grandmother?'
Hetal looked down, realizing her mistake. A wealthy family, a big bungalow, a chemical business spread all over Gujarat and raised in Sahyabi, Himanshu became mad after the lure of money and silver wife Hetal. He was left alone after his father died of a heart attack at a young age due to work load and tension. He had to become even more rich and open his own chemical factory. To take a loan of a large amount from the bank, he bribed Hansaba and transferred the bungalow and the land in his own name.
After the birth of Harsha, the clash of egos started between Hetal and Hansaba. Himanshu and Harsh were tensed due to the arguments and quarrels between the in-laws about small matters every day. Little Harsh still did not understand the differences and fights between grandmother and mother.
Finally one day as arguments, disagreements and fights escalated, Hetal took little Harsh and went to Pierre. Three months have passed but there is no sign of coming back. Hetal made the first bet when the madman Himanshu followed him to his pier to fetch him and his son Harsha. 'If I come, I will not be able to stay with Hansaba.'
'But where shall I keep Ba alone?' Himanshu expressed confusion.
'Arrange whatever you want, but now me and Hansaba can't live together' Hetal gave the last ultimatum. Little Harsh still didn't understand that in such a big bungalow, where does mommy and grandma go??
Mad Himanshu's sanity behind his wife is dead Parwari, he thought. 'Now there is no bungalow or any property in Bana's name, so let's put him in an old age home.'
Hansaba was speechless hearing this decision. But what happens now? With nothing to his name, he finally decided to go to an old age home. Nana Harsha was very fond of grandmother. So he also insisted on going with grandmother.
Hetal got irritated 'You don't understand anything, you don't want to live with grandma.'
Harsh became silent. He cried a lot after his grandmother left, he was very angry with his parents. The bird of time kept flying.
Today eight years have passed since that. Now even Harsh had become twenty years young. His parents were also around fifty.
The three were sad in the car going to the old age home, Himanshu was regretting now at this age 'I sent Ba to the wrong old age home despite having such a big bungalow.' Now I have to do charity as he said, maybe it will get me forgiveness after my mistake.
Sick, old and weak Hansabas were counting their last breaths of life. It would be better if Diwali could be taken now. Himanshu repentantly said 'Baa, forgive our mistake. Diwali is also coming so we are here to take you home forever. I want to do charity after you from home with your own hands, what do you want in this matter?'
'Son, if you really want to do charity from the heart, make AC rooms in this old age home, donate a big fridge and LCD TV and put it here.' Hansaba expressed his wish.
Himanshu said 'Okay, but now why are you making such facilities in this old age home for your last days, you won't be able to enjoy it.'
'Even your boy Harsha, created by you in the new age, will push you here at my age. Son, I just threw away eight years. But both of you can't live without a bathroom, fridge water and TV. Preserving your convenience in the future!'
Hearing this, Himanshu and Hetal went mad. He looked at the young son, Harsh, his hard face betraying future anger. Hetal remembers how angry Harsha was the day he put Hansaba in the old age home? How many objections and disputes?
Remembering the proverb 'Muj viti tuj vitshe, Dhiri Bapudia', both of them were shaken thinking that in the future it will be our turn and today will happen.
Himanshu's eyes watered as he thought that Baa would think of our good future and give us comfort. Despite how much he has hurt his mother-in-law, he only thinks of our good future, this thought made even Hetal cry as he realized his mistake. Harsh saw the tears of true repentance of both, and made a firm decision in the New Year that he would never separate his parents and put them in an old age home in the future.
Within two minutes, Hansaba's eyes were permanently closed with satisfaction.
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