Dolls or animal toys that are powered by electricity or electricity are also called robots. Robots are not just toys but useful tools. Technicians build robots that do everything from incinerating waste at home to performing operations on patients. Robots are not human-shaped. A robot is ready when it has enough parts to be used in the purpose for which it is made. The International Space Station has a robot called 'CanadaArm' which is like an arm and does repair work.
The world of robots is unique. The field of making and researching robots is called 'Robotics'. Many robots do unimaginable things. More than 1 million robots work in various factories, laboratories, hospitals, homes and offices around the world.
A Japanese company has created a real baby robot that laughs, talks, sings and cries and also gestures.
The most widely used Eye RoboRomba in the world is like a small circular disc. Which automatically sweeps the entire house and cleans the garbage.
Camera-equipped robots are also seen for the purpose of photography of inaccessible places like forests, pyramids.
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