- Landscape - Subhash Bhatt
Energy-Shakti-Stri is infinite form. If she speaks, she becomes eloquent, if she sings, she becomes beautiful, if she remains silent, she becomes meaningful, if she is alone, she becomes Chaitanyamayi and in existence she becomes Sacchidanandamayi.
'Women are Kinder, Kitche and Kirche'. Meaning woman means children, kitchen and temple. This is the German quote. So the Rigveda says, 'In whom all is contained and from whom all manifests, whom all regard as the highest consciousness, Adya-Bhagvati is Brahman'. This distinction is between Eastern and Western thought. Brahman and the universe are the domain of the same consciousness. The area of the seed itself is the tree. As the family expands, it becomes the universe. What our Upanishad says 'Ekoham Bahusyam' means one to many -many-infinite. If the supreme energy turns inward, it becomes a point and if it turns outward, it forms the universe. Latent energy, if expressed, becomes a wave of a particle, a sound of a sound, and a period of a point. The expression of Supreme Energy is also infinite dimensional and life is its own wonderful manifestation.
Our Tantra Shastra says that Shakti and Shiva or male and female are indispensable poles. They are not two ends but the domain of one consciousness. Even in our life constant energy is felt in countless forms, colors, shapes, remember, determination, inspiration, understanding, affection, sensation etc. Thus Shakti or woman is not confined to the latitude and longitude of intercourse and consumption. Once we make the list, we realize that if there were no women, what would have been and what would not have been in this world and life, culture and civilization! Fifty thousand men make an army, but a loving woman makes a home. Woman is the center; Of love and understanding, of culture and world, of joy and creation. If this Shakti is gentle it is Gauri and if it is Rudra it is Kali. This power; If he creates, he is Brahmani, if he preserves, he is Vaishnavite, and if he destroys, he is Rudrani.
Urja-Shakti-Stri is infinite form. If she speaks, she becomes eloquent, if she sings, she becomes beautiful, if she remains silent, she becomes arthamaya, if she is silent, she becomes rupamayi, in the world she becomes desirous, if she is alone, she becomes chaitanyamayai and in existence she becomes satchidanandamayi. Even in modern times, a single woman performs many roles within the household. A decade ago, Ruma Sharma asked Mahavidushi Amrita Pritam in an interview:
Ruma: Going through all the forms of a woman, which one of them charms you? In what form can a woman consider herself to be worthwhile?
Amrita Pritam: The efficacy of the seed is in the blossoming. Then it blooms with the color of love, blooms with the color of compassion, blooms with the color of contemplation - it does not matter. If we consider the energy of the universe as an epic poem, then every woman shining in every home is its chapter. The smallest but most valuable unit of power is the housewife. Science says that there are 18 decillion colors in the universe. While human eyes can distinguish 10 million colors. Indeed, if we observe and discern, understand and find even a single woman, we will realize that the number of colors in the world is not very large. Woman or Shakti is infinite dimensional. This Diwali, if you look at the colors, forms, juices and values of life in the rangoli in our courtyard or at the hotel, you will be touched and touched by the feminine energy.
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