We often read and hear that some actress or model changed the shape of her nose or changed the size of her penis through cosmetic surgery. Similarly, doctors performed plastic surgery on the damaged part of the body of a patient who was severely injured in an accident.
Generally, people consider cosmetic and plastic surgery to be the same, but actually both are different things. Plastic surgery is a part of body surgery. Cosmetic surgery comes under it. Cosmetic surgery is done to give a special shape or form to any part of the body. Plastic surgery is done when a person has been severely injured in an accident and has a disfigured limb or when someone has a congenital defect in the body.
Specialist doctors say that plastic surgery generally means to create or prepare. In plastic surgery, tissue is taken from one part of the body and used to repair, i.e. make it normal, another damaged part. Thus the ugly part can be made attractive again or it can be given a new shape. They further say that many times a limb damaged by an accident, fire or acid is restored. It is the wonder of plastic surgery.
However, for the past many years, plastic surgery is not only used to make the damaged part look like it was before. Cosmetic surgery is done for tasks like reduction, reshaping of the nose. Similarly, reconstructive surgery is also done for burns, injuries, scars caused during any surgery, etc.
Experts give a very simple understanding about plastic surgery and say that when a person injured or burned in an accident leaves a visible defect in any part of the body, plastic surgery is an attempt to make it look like before. These include micro vascular reconstructive cleft surgery, hand surgery, aesthetic surgery, aesthetic facial surgery and facial nerve palsy reconstruction surgery etc. They further say that since plastic surgery is a type of surgery, seek the help of a certified and experienced plastic surgeon before undergoing it. Of course, the doctor should be experienced as well as knowledgeable about the finer points of the surgery concerned. Also, if any problem arises after the procedure, the doctor should also have the ability to remove it.
However, there are many misconceptions about plastic surgery. As many people believe that it uses plastic. In fact, its name is derived from the Greek word plasticos. Which means to mold something into a new shape. In this surgery, the body parts are given a new shape. Similarly, a person who undergoes plastic surgery believes that now that part of him will be exactly like before. Actually it doesn't happen. Of course, doctors try to make the organ as original as possible. Even so, it is seen that 'wounds heal but the wounds remain'.
Most people think that plastic surgery can only be done by celebrities or rich people. But this belief is so wrong. Any person who needs such a surgery can get it done, no matter if he is middle class or not.
- Vaishali Thakkar
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