- A single de chingari-shashin
- Another man's spirit should be appreciated. Don't give up on its flaws by giving it a chance to improve. Avoid the activity of hurting someone's heart by wrong criticism
'Excuse me?' A man says to a saint.
"Why bro?"
"I have scolded you a lot. Now I regret it.
"Man can only make mistakes, if you have made a mistake, repent mentally. My religion is to forgive you with all my heart. Salute the one who has shown you your faults, wish him well, for he has acted as a soap to remove the filth of your nature. The spirit of repentance born in you is your rebirth. God bless you and your wrongdoer.”
Man's mind is fickle and he forgets wisdom. And the man loses consciousness. But if he sincerely repents for the mistake he has made, he becomes holy by taking a bath in the abundant springs of nature. But such repentance should arise from within. The giver of self-realization is greater than the penitent.
In worldly life, man makes mistakes due to the limitations of nature. But the mental pledge to correct the wrong done is the rebirth of man. Mistakes are the greatest teachers that shape a man. If a man makes his heart a 'white board' instead of a 'black board', he can become an officer of God's pleasure.
Many times a man arrogantly does not admit his mistake and makes various arguments to defend it. Covering the mistake in fact, arguing in defense is another mistake. The mistake is not to sleep but to wake. Seeing the mistakes of others, we do not make the same mistakes, the Supreme Father also likes this kind of self-awareness. God is not cruel, but merciful. Poet 'Kant' describes the compassion of God.
"You have seen such,
Father God! you"
Seen like this
Engaged in punk (slush).
There were legs, which
Give it to me
Washed! Father God!
You have seen this.
God washes the feet soiled with the mud of man's mistakes with love, that is why He is called God. God is loving, He does not repent that I made a mistake in creating man. Because Ishwar or Paramshakti is confident that man is bound to improve sooner or later.
In 'The Creators of Fate', a touching illustration is given of how a generous attitude should be shown even towards the erring one. Accordingly, while the battles of the State Revolution were going on, a curious public announcement appeared in a Philadelphia newspaper. It attracted a lot of attention. were the words of the advertisement. "Any man who has stolen a load of leather on the fifth of the current month is hereby informed that the original owner of the leather wishes to be his friend. If he is tempted to commit this wrongdoing, the original owner of the leather will keep him a secret and will gladly put him in the way of making a living.''
But the thief who stole the hides knew that William Savery, a merchant of the Kewkar sect, who was in the business of cultivating hides.
A few days later, at around nine o'clock in the night, someone gently knocked on the door of the merchant's house. William had a man standing with a leather load on his shoulder. The man looked down and said: “Mr. WILLIAM I have brought back these hides that I stole. Where is it to be put?'' said William the merchant: 'I stop so often as to light the lamp. I will come with you in my leather shed. Then you will tell me how this work came about and what I can do for you, we will see later.''
When William and the leather thief returned, Mrs. Savory had coffee and food on the table for the thief. “I thought you would benefit from a hot meal, Neighbor Smith,” said Mrs Savory. So I have prepared a meal for you.” The thief Smith turned away without saying a word. But after a moment he said in a choked voice: This is the first time I have stolen leather. So I feel bad. I don't know why I got the tendency to steal, but I started drinking, quarreling and arguing. But no one helped me: Mr. Savory is the first man who tried to understand me. I stole with the intention of selling leather. This is my first steal.
William Savory said: Make this your last theft, friend. Only you and I will know this. You promise me that you will not drink alcohol. So I will hire you tomorrow with a good salary and we will also give your wife some work. You eat and drink coffee. Take courage for the sake of your wife and children. And I will become your friend if you turn to virtue.
From the next day, that leather thief Mr. William began working in a factory and became sober and honest.
That is why Mahatma Gandhi used to say that do not rebuke the sinner, it will increase the sins. By pardoning the sinner, he and the world will be well-being. Admitting a mistake is an act of cleansing the surface of the heart by removing dirt. Even those whom we call the best human beings have made mistakes but have repented with a true heart and reformed themselves. According to a reference received, a man says that man commits 14 major mistakes:
1. To hold one's own standard for comparing truth and falsehood
2. Enjoying others by our own measure
3. Hope that everyone's views should be the same.
4. Hoping for comparability and experience in youth.
5. Think of comparing everyone's qualities and nature.
6. Subjugation of insignificant things.
7. To hope for perfection in all one's works.
8. Mourn about something that cannot be remedied and make others mourn.
9. Do not include things that need to be hidden, displayed.
10. Don't pay attention to another person's weakness.
11. What we cannot do, consider as impossible.
12. Only believing as much as our limited brain can understand.
13. Hope to understand each topic.
14. Judging others by our standards.
Life is a holy occasion of generosity. How to determine if you are generous in the true sense?
1. To forgive even those who slander you.
2. Avoid the activity of hurting someone's heart with harsh words or wrong criticism.
3. Want the welfare of others too. Pray to God for his well being.
4. Be free of ego for your mistakes and repent with a true conscience.
5. The sentiment of another human being should be appreciated. Don't give up on its flaws by giving it a chance to improve.
6. A tendency to blame no one but oneself
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