Want to escape the cycle of birth and death?

- Subhashit-Sar-Dr.Kulinchandra Po. Yagnik

- The scriptures say that the soul is immortal. He does not die with the death of man, but takes a new birth, is reborn according to his life.

Mrityorbibheshi kin mud bhitan munchati kin yam द.

Ajatam Naiva Grihnati Kuru Yatnam Janmani ॥

(O fool! Why are you afraid of death? Does Yama give moksha (freedom from birth and death) to a cowardly man? He can never catch the unborn (in the loop of death). So to be free from birth (from the cycle of birth and death) try.)

The scriptures say that the soul is immortal. He does not die with the death of man, but takes a new birth, is reborn according to his life. In this new birth, one enjoys the sweet and bitter fruits of the deeds done by oneself in the previous life. Karma-fruit is not in our hands. It is in the hands of our believing God or some deity or some impersonal all powerful divinity. No one knows his decision. And fear of the unknown is the greatest. So the simplest and most logical herb was discovered. One is dead at birth, but a soul that does not bear the burden of new birth cannot be captured even by Jamaraja. Where does he fear death? So if the fear of death is to be avoided, then if one does not get reborn, then one has to take measures so that one does not have to be reborn in order to avoid death. For Mukti or Moksha one has to do tapasya sadhana, and for that one has to take religious instruction, initiation etc. There is also an opportunity for this. Every soul has to undergo eighty-four lakh rounds of birth and death. During that time, if he does enough good deeds, God will grant him salvation. Spiritual knowledge about this is incurable. It does not fit even in a large library. It takes one life less to digest it. Akha Bhagat says:

Tilak was fifty-three

Gone are the rosary beads

Hearing the story, ears burst

Brahman knowledge did not come!

According to what Shri Krishna clearly said in Kurukshetra, we should do karma according to our right, work hard and have faith that we will get good results.
