What is an electrical transformer? .

Different electrical appliances use different amounts of current. The electric current that comes in our house or office is very powerful. T.V. Fizz, iron, microwave etc. need different amount of current. Also, the electricity generated in the power house has to be sent to different areas by suitable travel, for this transformer is useful. A transformer means a converting device. Without transformer we cannot use electricity. Some equipment has a transformer to get the required current.

Transformer was invented by Michael Faraday. When current passes through a tangle of wires, it creates an impedance. This resistance depends on the number and thickness of the wires in the coil or entanglement.

Transformers are placed at many places in power lines for power supply. A transformer works on the basis of Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction. When current flows in the coil, another electric field is formed around it. This field induces a small current in the coil that comes into contact with the other coil. A transformer consists of two closely spaced coils. Transformers include single phase, two phase, three phase and various types of transformers for use in various equipment. Mobile chargers also have transformers. Apart from reducing the power, it also converts the power from AC to DC. The largest use of transformers is in loudspeakers.
