How does a scanner machine work? .

A scanner machine makes a vivid copy of the picture or text you put on the paper onto another paper. Do you know how this copy is prepared in a matter of minutes? Xerox machines use electricity. There are two types of electric carts. Static electricity i.e. sweet function produces positive and negative charges just like a ferromagnet these two charges attract or repel. If two positive charges come close to each other, they stick to each other. These principles are used in the Xerox machine.

In a scanning machine, paper is placed on a plain glass. Under the glass is a strip called a photoreceptor. This bar scans the image. You may have seen the light coming off the glass while scanning. This light produces a positive electric charge on the surface of the glass. Light rays are made up of photon particles. During scanning these particles only pass through the white part of the paper. It removes or neutralizes the charge in the black part of the picture or text in the paper.

Thus only the black color image is recorded in the photoreceptor. The computer decodes this image stored in the photo receptor and prints a vivid copy.
