Five decades have passed since actor Kanwaljit Singh entered the acting field. During these years he has acted in a number of serials and films.And now he has also ventured into the third screen i.e. OTT. Recently, he shot for 'Singal Salma' and 'Salman and Daughters' in Lucknow. This veteran actor believes that there is no age to learn. Everyone is a life-long student. Share-Shayari enthusiast Kanwaljit frequently posts his own compositions or his favorite compositions on Social Lydia. He believes that TV as well as films need to work harder after the boom of the third screen.
While narrating the gist of his years of experience, the actor says that at one stage, actors like us started appearing on small screens, so we were kept away from films. At that time, the actors who did not get good work in films were taken away from the screen, but now with the increasing popularity of OTT, those who have adapted to this medium have no shortage of work. If you change with time, you will get work. Kanwaljit further says that today there are so many mediums to work in that you have to work even harder to stay ahead of the competition. Similarly, every creator should be prepared to present new types of topics. He cites the biggest advantage of OTT, saying that there is a problem of censorship in films. While there is no such restriction on OTT. People can watch this medium while travelling, at home or wherever they want and on mobile or laptop. Naturally, its penetration is increasing rapidly. In such a situation, if other mediums are to survive, something is needed. have to present.
Even after a 50-year-long career, the actor has plenty of work to do. He says that I have many projects coming up in the near future. These include 'Ishshq-e-Nadan' with Neena Gupta, Hindi remake of South's 'Great Indian Kitchen' with Sanya Malhotra, 'Mere Husband Ki Biwi' with Jackie Bhagnani, 'Singal Salma' with Huma Qureshi, 'Salman and Daughters' with Naseeruddin Shah. ' etc. included.
Kanwaljit considers himself a lifelong student. He says I have always been acting. I have learned a lot during my five decade acting journey. And now I keep learning something from the new generation artists too. My competition is not with anyone else but with myself.
The actor is very fond of food. He says that in Lucknow there should be food and drink jalsa. Hanu was recently in Lucknow for a month shooting for 'Singal Salma' and 'Salman and Daughters'. Meanwhile, I had the pleasure of eating the dishes there. Of course, it's not just the food there that's great. The people there are also very sweet. Also, I was born in Kanpur. But as my father was transferred to Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh, my youth was spent there. And my passion for share-shayari also arose there. Even after all these years, Kanwaljit chooses his roles very carefully. He says that choosing the characters is not easy. Some character will sit on you completely. When you understand how you can play a role only after giving a look test. So you can't say anything in advance for any role. Yes, filmmakers need to create realistic cinema. Today, the audience is more fond of movies based on reality.
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