Ahmedabad. 29 July 2019 Monday
We often do nothing until the monsoon raises the risk of illnesses.
The attitude towards our own health is much worse. There are actually many simple things that can be taken into account to help prevent monsoon illnesses. So let's know.
Keep the house clean
Where you spend most of your time if the place is not clean, you will get sick. All you have to do is keep your house well-cleaned and take special care that no water is deposited in the house. Otherwise the mosquitoes and germs they produce will carry many ailments.
Stay hydrated and drink clean water
The monsoon season does not mean that your body does not need water. Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water daily, as well as make sure that the water is purified.
Have a hand sanitizer with you
This season you should take special care of cleaning your hands. So always have a sanitizer with you.
Drink soup
Drinking soup this season is very beneficial
Take a shower immediately after soaking in the rain
If you are soaked in rain water, do not wash it immediately. Doing so will help you avoid being infected with germs. Avoid staying in AC later if you run away.
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