Smart devices like phones, tablets, TVs are at greatest risk from viruses

New Delhi, July 27, 2019, Saturday

Any electronic device connected to the Internet has the risk of getting a virus attack. All the devices in the home that run on the Internet are all at risk. This risk is highest on the computer. Because this malware is designed to infiltrate into the computer itself. So the computer gets in the way of it quickly and most. This virus does not allow it to be used in the computer and steals all data. Computers used anywhere can fall prey to it. The only way to avoid this is to keep the computer's security system updated.

After the computer comes the number of smartphones and tablets. Because the device has the same web browsing capabilities as a computer. One click on the device and the phone may be phishing. The device is infected with the virus by opening the phishing email. If you see any problem with the phone, please leave the phone in safe mode and reboot immediately. People are starting to use smart TV too. These TVs are not safe either. Once the virus-free app has been downloaded to the smart TV, your home activities can be recorded. This type of recording takes place even when the smart TV is off and that information may also be leaked.

It would be surprising to know, but even smart appliances like microwave, fridge, lights do not survive this attack. The attacks that occur in such devices are of different types. After the device is hacked, the hacker sends a similar request to the particular website for a fixed period of time causing the website to crash. To avoid this, change the username and password periodically.
