The planet can also be the cause of illness, know which planet causes the disease

New Delhi, August 28, 2019, Wednesday

According to astrology, auspicious and ominous events occurring in a person's life are related to the 9 planets, as well as the illnesses associated with them. Just as the planet gains success, failure, the planet can cause illness in its life, but the planet can be caused by guilt. So let's find out which planets can cause some diseases.

The sun

If the sun is inauspicious in the horoscope, a person may suffer eye and head related illness.

The moon

If the moon has an ominous effect on the horoscope, a person may suffer from cough or stomach illness.


If the effects of Mars are inauspicious, there is blood related illness.


If the Mercury planet in Kundali has an inauspicious effect, then there may be dental and nerve related diseases.


A person has difficulty breathing due to Guru's discomfort.


Venus is the planet of prosperity and luxury. If it is inauspicious, a person suffers from not many diseases.


A stomach affliction that surrounds the planet Saturn is inauspicious for those who have an inauspicious effect.


If Kundli has Rahu's fault, the person often gets fever.


If the planet is to blame in the horoscope, the person will get bone disease.
