Weekly Future - Padmanabh a. Sharma

Aries (ALE)
In the last week of the month of Shravan, the heart and mind should be delighted in the devotional worship of Goddess Mahadevji. You have to donate yellow clothes, chickpeas, cereals, Dakshina donations to Jupiter. Keep busy with jobs, business. Wife, the offspring's done. Done to go out. Delayed work is resolved at the beginning of the month.

Meeting-up-to-date discussions are considered for seasonal business work. Ta. August 8th Ravi Nandamahotsav be fun. ૨૬ Mon Sravana Last Monday, the commemoration of the heart and mind in the Dharmakarya will commence with the commencement of the Saints Ekadashi and Jain Parushan Parva (Chp). ળ Engage in the business of Mars, business as well as household, family activities. ધ Mercury worries about functioning. ૨૯ Guru Agora Fourteen, Pithori 1) Emergency anxiety, difficulty. 1 Venus Vision 1)), At the end of the hearing, donate. At the beginning of the Saturn Bhadrapada month, relax, relax.

Taurus (BW)
By the end of August, there was a great deal of labor, exhaustion, worry about work, business. Relatives, relatives, friends, spouses, children, expenditures. In the religious work, the concentration of heart and mind is not yet concentrated. There is an adversity to the planet. So give donations of energy, give Dakshina. In physical seasonal illness, infection has to be handled. Difficulty eating outside. Ta. 8th August Ravi Nand Mahotsav flexibility in functioning.

૨૬ Last Monday of Som Shravana, Ekadashi, Jain Parushan festival (Chp) begins with joy in Dharmakarya. Best of all, donations, donations. નોકરી Mars job-solved work. ૨૮ Mercury keeps busy with important work. ૨૯ Guru agora fourteen will worry, worry. 1 Venus Vision 1), At the end of the audition, by giving charitable donations, the peace of heart and peace of mind can be maintained. 7 Sat Bhadrapada Begin your work quietly at Mass.

Gemini (A)
Dharma works at the end of the hearing month. Travel is a pleasure to visit, meet and greet. It costs extra. Difficulty in dealing with financial transactions, you will not have trouble donating at the expense of religious activities, even if confused. Keep busy with jobs, business. Delayed work is resolved.

Old-fashioned relationships, recognition gains, benefits. Ta. August 8th Ravi Nand Mahotsav be fun. ૨૬ Mon Sravana Last Monday, eleven, beginning of Jain Parushansav (Chp), the stability and concentration of ideas has to be maintained. રાખ Maintain a concentration in the Mars business. ધ Mercury is relaxed. કામ Jupiter delayed work is resolved. ક્ર Venus should be performed at the end of hearing. Donate Donate નિ Saturn remains flexible.

Kirk (W.H.)
At the end of the Shravan month, Devotional worship of Goddess Mahadevji (heart and mind should be happy. To give donations in return for relief in the advent of the twelfth Rahu. Son, grandchildren, can focus on family work.

Have to go out or out. Ta. August 8 Ravi Nand Mahotsav Anand. ૨૬ Mon rituals take place. To give donations. ચિંતા Mars worry-spending. ૨૮ Mercury remains a mental retreat. ૨૯ Jupiter work peacefully. ક્ર Venus ends at the end of the Shravan month. Donate. Delayed work is resolved by initiating Saturn Bhadrapada.

Lion (mt)
By the end of August, there is no work incidentally. Dharmakarya should have the happiness of heart and mind. Engage in the work of the wife, children and family. Planning to go out or out. Relationships of maternal relatives and friends are felt. The son's grandchildren, as well as students, seem to have progressed in foreign work.

Relationships in job-related work can ease anxiety. Ta. August 8th Ravi Nandamahotsav should be busy with work. આનંદ Joy from Mon-ritual work, ૨૭ Mars accidentally solves a task. ૨૮ Mercury Anxiety ખર્ચ Jupiter may be physically and mentally uncomfortable. ૩૦ Venus can be performed at the end of Shravana, donate Dakshina. નિ Satisfaction, flexibility in work and relaxation at the beginning of Saturn.

Girls (bachelors)
In the face of planetary adversities, there are difficulties in job, business operations. The loss has to be handled with controversy. In government, departmental-legal proceedings, patience in disputes, time consuming calmness. Do religious work but peace, concentration will not be maintained. Family, family may have anxiety-related problems.

No sleep at night. You have to be careful when getting in and out of the way. Ta. August 8 Ravi Nand Mahotsav Anand. On the last Monday of Som Shravan, Jain Purushan festival begins with Dharma-karya, giving charity and giving peace of mind and heart. નોકરી Anxiety-obsessed with working in Mars. ધ Mercury is relaxed. ૨૯ Satisfaction-busyness, Jupiter-anxiety-cost-restlessness. પડે Must maintain calmness during the weekends.

Libra (R)
During the final week of August, engage in jobs, business, religious activities. Relative relatives, in the practice of friendship, have to spend in religious work. Travel is a pleasure to travel, meet and greet. Ability to work overseas, in practice. Seasonal business-income can help to relieve financial stress.

Ta. August 8th Ravi Nand Mahotsav troubles. ૨૬ Som, Last Monday of Sravana, Smarty Ekadashi, Dharma-karya should have a heart-and-soul delight at the beginning of Jain Parushan festival. આનંદ Mars Fun - Enjoying Progress. ધ Mercury should be busy with job and business activities. કામ The task involved in master delay has to be resolved. આનંદ Enjoy Dharma-karya, Donation-Dakshina at the end of Venus Shravan month. નિ Saturn Bhadrapada, Ramdevpir Navratri begins to have flexibility in functioning.

Scorpio (NY)
At the end of the Shravan month and at the beginning of the Bhadrapada month, you have to be busy in religious activities, job and business activities. But when getting in the way, driving or getting stuck, one has to be careful in pushing. Care must be taken in seasonal illness-infection. Outdoor eating may result in health discomfort.

From charity, giving to charity gives you relaxation, relaxation. Ta. August 8th Ravi Nand Mahotsav will be cheerful. ૨૬ Mon - Concentrate-awareness-vigilance in various festivals. ળ Mars handling the body with the mind. ધ Mercury should be busy with job and business activities. ૨૯ Guru agora fourteen will be anxious. ૩૦ Venus is done at the end of Shravana, outside of Deva Darshan. નિ Saturn Bhadramastha involves getting busy in addition to your daily work.

At the end of the hearing, there will be anxiety, anxiety from the body and mind. Job-business delays, interruptions, but religiously-minded, giving you relaxation, you will feel relaxed. The wife and children have to cooperate. A close relative-friendship may cover illness anxiety.

Caring for offspring with seasonal illness. Ta. Delayed work to be resolved on August 1st. ૨૬ Mon sanctification, be joyful. ૨૭ Flexibility in working in Mars. ધ Mercury concerns, vice. ૨૯ Trouble-costs-stagnation caused by Jupiter. ક્ર Venus ends with listening to the ritual. ૩૧ Keep busy with the job business at Saturn Bhadrasam.

Relief in the adversity of the eclipse, the end of the hearing for lightness, from the devotional worship of Goddess Mahadevji, by giving charity and Dakshina, giving food and keeping peace of mind and heart. During the Jain Purusha festival, the Dharmakarya can be enjoyed. Maintain driving concentration in the business, on the road to work.

Do not take risks. Ta. August 8th Ravi Nand Mahotsav son son grandchildren. ૨૬ Mon Shravana Monday, Jain Parushan festival begins at Dharmakarya, there will be relaxation, relaxation in response to donation of Dakshina. ળ Mars Anxiety-Anxiety. ૨૮ Mercury should be busy with work. ૨૯ Jupiter Physical-Mental Discomfort. ક્ર Venus hearing should be handled with full-heartedness. નિ Maintaining peace and tranquility at the beginning of Saturn Bhadrama.

Aquarius (GS)
Rejoice in the end of August in the religious work. Meeting close relatives and friends. Donate, can be helpful. There is concern in the business of the business, the work is resolved despite the delay. Physical distress, difficulty getting up, getting tired. Have to deal with eating outdoors as well as in seasonal illness.

Ta. August 8 Ravi Nand Mahotsav busy. ^ Som Aja Ekadashi, Shravan Monday, Jain Parushan festival (Chp) should be a joy and a joy in religion. ૨૭ Mars can be helpful to others, family-to-family work. ધ Mercury concerns the job-business. ૨૯ Jupiter physical pain. ક્ર Venus should be joyful in religious activities at the end of hearing. Donations can be donated 8 Sat Bhadramastra worry after evening.

Pisces (DZ)
At the end of the Shravan Mass, there will be joy in the religious work. May the heart and mind be happy. Donate - Southern, can donate. There should be flexibility in the working of the business. Be helpful to others. The work of the grandchildren may be done. Whether going out or out to the religious rites, there will be fun, no matter the cost. Additional purchases occur.

Ta. August 8th Ravi Nand Mahotsav be fun. છેલ્લા On the last Monday of Som Sravana, the Aaja Smarty Ekadashi, who performs the Dharmakarya at the beginning of Jain Parushan festival (Ch), can donate food. ળ Mars Anxiety-Anxiety Although religious ધ Mercury is a job business. કામ Jupiter delayed work is resolved. આનંદ Experience joy in the devotional worship of Goddess Mahadevji at the end of Venus Shravan month. નિ Saturn is experiencing physical or mental fatigue.
