Weekly Future - Padmanabh a. Sharma

Aries (ALE)
In the first week of September, engage in secular work in the work of the business. Hindu-Muslim-Jains spend on various religious-social-family occasions. Meet-and-visit, have fun. There should be relaxation in the work of the spouse. Have to go out or out.

Ta. September 8th Ravi Kavadatrij, Samvadi Shravani, Varah Jayanti, Moharam day be favorable. ૨ Som Ganesh Chaturthi, Jain Samvatsari Prabhu (Ch.) Rejoice in Dharmakarya. ૩ Mars Sampa Pancham - Rishi Panchami, Jain Samvtsari (Pt.) Suitable in business. ધ Mercury is a job business. ૫ Jupiter Emergency Anxiety. ૬ Venus Dhoratham, Radhashtami, Duddichi Jayanti to handle with mind-to-money-vehicle. નિ Saturn Ramdevpir Navratri ends with relaxation. Relationships are to meet friends.

Taurus (BW)
At the beginning of the Bhadrapada, Dharma-karya should have the happiness of the heart and mind. Relationships-memoirs of job-business, relative-friendship class are refreshed. Maintain flexibility in the daily routine of the business. There is a chance to meet someone accidentally, to discuss. Spending is purchased for the wife and children. Seasonal business is available, business starts.

Ta. September 8th Ravi rejoice, cheer. Can go out ૨ Mon rites, relationships are preserved. Relief from offspring. કામ Mars delay work is resolved, bank work is done. ધ Mercury costs from a relative-friendly class. ૫ Jupiter, hesitation, headaches. ક્ર Venus Radhashtami, Dharutham You have to take care of driving, at work. નિ Satisfaction with caring for the outside, eating and drinking.

Gemini (AH)
Beginning in August, there will be flexibility in both business and bank operations. Relationships with friends and relatives living in the country and abroad are a pleasure to communicate with. Son's grandchildren are done. Discussion on the commission-brokerage-agency work, meeting someone. In the eyes, pain is felt in the joints.

Ta. September 8 Ravi Relationship with Friendship ૨ Mon Joy in business, relationship preserved ૩ Mars is a job, business, bank work. ૪ Engage in Mercury activities. ૫ Jupiter is anxious-anxious. ૬ Venus is performed despite religious ordeal. નિ Saturn be joyful.

Kirk (W.H.)
At the beginning of the Bharatava, there should be joy in efficiency, progress, and religious work. Travel tours, meet-ups are arranged. In a relationship, cost of activity is purchased. Relationships with friends living abroad are enjoyed. Businesses have income, new work flexibility. Ta. August 8 Ravi spends with the religious work, keep busy. ૨ Som rejoice with joy. Done to go out. ચિંતા Anxiety-stagnation in Mars work. ધ Mercury is concerned with the heart and mind. Do not make hasty decisions for the Guru. ૬ Venus Radhashtami-Dhora: The flexibility of work. ૭ Saturn is mentally disturbed.

Lion (mt)
Apart from the work of the business, your heart and mind will be happy in religious work. It is fun to spend though. Meeting close relatives and friends, outside work is resolved. Don't get upset over the family work. Despite the busyness of the sons and daughters, the solution to the work is relaxed. Ta. August 8th Sunday Progress - Progress. ૨ Som-ritual work involves the happiness of the heart and mind. મુલાકાત Mars visit, discussion consideration. ધ Mercury Family Concern. ૫ Anxiety caused by Jupiter. ક્ર Venus Radhashtami-Dhora: You have difficulty in working. ૭ Have Saturn Relief.

Girls (Bachelors)
Feeling heavy. Day and night pass as you feel heavy. While not in bondage, bondage remains. In fact legal, governmental, departmental work has to be handled in connection with employment or any other. Do not work or make decisions that cause harm.

Other than that, health care, eye care. Ta. August 8 Ravi works despite mental distress. ૨ In psychological relationships, stress is at work. ળ Mars is a job, business is delayed. ૪ Mercury should be busy with daily work. ૫ Jupiter has to meet someone accidentally, go out. ક્ર Venus Radhashtami, Dhoravatam, you have to do religious work. નિ Saturn disturbed by unrest, anxiety, controversy.

Libra (R)
At the beginning of the Bharatava, religious work is done. It is a pleasure to visit. There are costs involved in maintaining relationships. Relief of income from employment. Relief comes from collecting money, getting new jobs. The income from the commission-brokerage-agency keeps you comfortable.

Ta. August 1st Anxiety costs because of others. મ Mon ritual work, donate donations, be happy. નોકરી Mars jobs and business relationships are preserved. કામ Mercury delay work is resolved. ચિંતા Anxiety over the guru family-family question. ૬. Venus Radhashtami, Suppose the eighth job is done. ૭ Saturn has to go out, buy expenses.

Scorpio (NY)
Religious, social, practical, family work costs. Earnings but no savings. There is flexibility in the job market. Flexibility in seasonal work. Increase seasonal work, keep busy. But in the life of the world, the parent-father-in-law's anxiety-thoughts remain unaffected. The effect of seasonal illness is to drive slowly. Ta. September 8 Flexibility in Ravi work. ૨ Mon rituals take place. ળ Mars Anxiety-Anxiety. Mercury does not find peace in the heart and mind. ૫ Jupiter physical-mental anxiety. ૬ Venus costs from religious work. કામ Work done on Saturday delays is resolved.

It is fun to visit Dharmakarya, Travel, Milan. Jobs, business, family-friendly relationships - memoirs fresh. Have the pleasure of meeting someone accidentally. Of son-grandchildren, wife's work costs. To go out of religion. In seasonal work, the commission's work proceeds.

Ta. September 8 Ravi Kavadatri has to pay attention to the work of the family. મ Som Ganesh Chaturthi, Jain Samvatsari (Ch.) Be happy in Dharmakarya. સામા Mars is the fifth job, business flexibility, progress. ૪ Mercury has to be careful in delayed work. ૫ Jupiter concerns. ધ Take Venus eighth uncontrollable. We have to maintain the stability of Saturn thoughts.

Dharmakarya brings peace of heart, peace of mind and heart in the circle of medi-akti-remedies. Working a job, doing business, maintaining physical and mental well-being. Others may experience anxiety, disruption, difficulty in our work. Do religious work but break in concentration. It is difficult to concentrate on the work of others.

Ta. September 8 Keep busy outside work, spend. ૨ Som Ganesh Chaturthi, Jain Samvatsari (Ch.) Before the Dharmakarya, experience peace of mind and heart. ૩ Maintain a concentration in the workings of Mars Jobs. ધ Mercury experienced difficulty because of others. ૫ The guru's son is worried about the grandson's question. ૬ Venus Radhashtami, Durvishtami-Assume eighth flexibility. નિ Satisfaction should be a worry.

Aquarius (GS)
Concern at the beginning of September, but as the days go by, the flexibility of the job and business is increasing. Pay attention to the business. Delayed interruptions can be solved. Revenue from income coming. Religious-practical-social work of relative-friendship. The transaction is saved.

Spend but there is joy in charity. Ta. September 7 Sunday. Physical, mental anxiety, anxiety. વે On Monday Jain Samvatsari (Ch), Ganesh Chaturthi should do religious work, spend but be happy. ૩ Mars gets the job done. ૪ Mercury is the work of the family. ૫ Jupiter is busy with work. ધ Venus VIII, Radhashtami should be busy with job and business activities. નિ Satisfaction with weekend activities.

Pisces (DZ)
Engage in religious, practical, social as well as family work, business activities. But health has to be preserved. On the way, you have to handle driving. The closest relative is to meet friends, go out. Revenue from income coming. Regardless of the extra cost, the relationship is saved.

Ta. Sunday 7th September is light. મ Som Ganesh Chaturthi, Jain Samvatsari festival (Ch.) Should be performed. સામા Mars is the fifth physical-mental disturbance. ધ Mercury handles with the mind and body. ૫ Jupiter gets a job. ધ Assume Venus is busy with Eighth-Radhashtami. કામ Work done on Saturday delays is resolved.
