New Delhi, September 26, 2019, Thursday
The government is reviewing the criteria for measuring malaria among children and finding a way to Indianize it according to the anthropology of Indians. It is worth mentioning that India has the highest number of children suffering from low altitude ie chills. This is followed by Nigeria where 1.39 crore children and 1.07 crore children in Pakistan suffer from this problem.
Cholera is a problem that includes things like lack of nutrition, frequent infections. In this problem the length of the children is much shorter than usual. At present, it is used to measure the length of children. According to the Global Nutrition Report 2018, India has the highest number of children with malaria - 4.66 crore. According to the National Family Health Survey 4, 38.4 percent of children under the age of five are dementia. That means their length is less than their age. At the same time, 21 per cent of the children are underweight.
According to the survey, 48.3% of children under the age of five in Bihar suffer from this problem. According to sources, the human science of children changes in different parts of India. In a country as diverse as India, there may not be a single criteria for measuring infertility in children. Government Harvard T.H. With the help of the Chan School of Public Health and the World Health Organization, trying to figure out how to standardize international standards for measuring chills.
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