In the rural area of Chamoli Devbhumi in the state of Uttarakhand, Diwali is celebrated separately. In Jakhani village of Dhat block, people celebrate Diwali not by throwing firecrackers or lighting a lamp but by setting a fire. Especially in the jungle area where pine tree trunks and the dry grass beneath them gather fire. Although Deepavali is considered a feast of depot, but it is not important to light a lamp in this village.
This creates an atmosphere of fire throughout the area. Women and children bear witness to this tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. Most strikingly, men are given two squads, young and old. Through this unique tradition, the village people give the message of environmental protection. However, because of this tradition, it is taken care not to ignite the forest or to burn the tree. Due to this practice, whenever the forest fires, the village people reach out for extinguishment. In this way this tradition has proved very useful. Young people from the city also come to participate in this tradition on Diwali day in Jakhani village.
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