If you want to get funding, please make this place of the house clean before dawn

New Delhi, 22 October 2019, Tuesday

The dhantaras that precede Diwali are also of particular importance. On this day, the god of wealth is worshiped Dhanvantari, Kuber and Lakshmi. God also blesses health with wealth. It is believed that worshiping them shines a destiny.

However, cleanliness with worship on this day also needs to be taken care of. It is also important to keep a particular part of the house clean. Mother Lakshmi also lives in the house where there is cleanliness. So let's know which part of the house needs to be kept clean.

Clean to keep this place intact

1. Keep the northeast corner of the house clean. The east and north sides of the house need to be kept clean as well.

2. The Brahman place of the house is the most important. This location means the center of the house. Remove the luggage in the area and clean it.

3. Pay special attention to cleaning the house if it is kept in an aquarium.

Scrub Cleaning

Take a ganjali in a container and sprinkle it in every corner of the house after cleaning the house. Doing so invites God to come into the house.

Don't brush against

Clean the house thoroughly but never leave the broom in such a place so that it can be seen in front of the eyes. Always hide the broom and wrap it in a cloth. The broom thrown in there is considered the cause of destruction of property.


On the eve of the dawn, five glowing lamps in the house. One lamp in the temple of the house, one basil when, one near the matla in the kitchen and two lamps at the main door. In addition to this, a lamp named Yamdev will also be made on this day.

To make this lamp, make a bowl containing four watts of flour. Divine four cups of mustard oil in it and keep it in the southern part of the house. Doing a yam lamp on this day removes the danger of premature death.
