Ahmedabad. December 31, 2019, Tuesday
Recent research has revealed that overuse of smartphones is affecting the mind, which has a direct impact on people's sex life.
Sheikh Khalifa Ben Zayed International University Hospital's Youth Health Department in Casablanca, Morocco, has revealed that about 60 percent of those admitted to the research have admitted that their smartphone is having problems with their smartphone.
According to a report by Morocco World News, evidence from Scientific Research states that all 600 participants accepted a smartphone and 92 percent of them used it at night.
Only 18% of those surveyed said they would keep their phones in flight mode in the bedroom at night. Research found that smartphones negatively influenced people between the ages of 20 and 45, with 60 percent saying that phones had affected their sexual ability as well.
According to the report, about 50 percent of people spoke of living sexually well because they had not used a smartphone in a long time. In a survey by an American company, ShireColl said that about three-fourths of people admitted that they slept at night. Smartphones lay beside or near the bed. People who sleep near the phone, tell them to feel afraid or anxious about the phone being removed.
About a third of the research participants also admitted that sex was a problem because of the incoming phone answer. The survey also mentions that if a man or woman holds a phone in a pocket for a long period of time, their sexuality may be adversely affected. In women, too, smartphones influence sexual ability.
Dangerous radiation emitted from mobile phones reduces libido, up to 25 percent in women. If you want to keep your partner happy for a long time, extend the distance. There are two benefits, one will be to spend more time with partner and the other will not affect sex life.
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