Chicago, Ta. December 16, 2019, Monday
On December 5, Senior Citizens Family Elgin took over their new facility for their own convenience. More than 3 people, including an invited guest, attended the Grand Opening Celebration of the Senior Citizens Family Center. The new house has been purchased by this institute in a short period of 3 years. A large number of business owners, donors and community guests were present on this occasion.
Patience welcomed all senior community members and invited guests of this institute. Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Held by Elgin Meyer (Dave Capitan), Bharatbhai Suwagiya, Ghanshyamabhai Savani, at 3pm. Then the American Flag Hosting Ceremony was performed by Ashok Patel Parade. Then Deep Pragya Jayendra Desai (SCPE Secretary), Dheeraj Suwagia (SCPE Chairman), Kalubhai Suwagia, Dalsukh Waghashia, BK Vaghani, Ghanshyam Sawani, Narsingh Patel (Indian Senior Vice President of Chicago) Suwagia (Vice President of American Powder Coatings Inc.), Jagdish Thakkar (Vice Chairman of SCPE), Butuk Shukla (SCPE President), emphasis Conducted by Mr. Shukla, palomi Desai.
SCPE Chairman Dheeraj Subhagia thanked all the invited guests, supporters and sponsors who supported the activities of these seniors. In his speech, he said that we have purchased an acre facility for our SCPE Senior Citizens.
The new facilities are named "Senior Citizens Family Centers and Shivals". In the facilities we have a beautiful platform with lighting system, we are allotted a room for the vision and prayer of God, for different types of seniors of all kinds to read different newspapers and books, so that any members can come to the new facility during the day. Anyone can come here at any time to read books, play games and spend their time.
Mayor P Rogina of St. Charles Raymond congratulated Patience Suwagia on buying a new home for seniors. Patience Suwagia thanked Ashok Patel and Kishore Purohit for helping to buy the new building process for the state lighting system. Dheeraj Subhagia wished him a happy birthday with the song 'Bar bar din ye aaye'. Patel, a director choreographer and dancer from Chicago's most popular dance dance academy, and his students danced for the seniors on the occasion. The program was listened to by Master of Sarim's Jayendra Desai.
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