The first tree of the earth

The emphasis on the earth increased. Humans became deceitful, vicious, and brutal. Brothers were not brothers, friends were not friends, mercy, religion and virtue did not disappear. Devotion has dried up. God forgot.

Then there was a skyline. The skyline was aimed at the elderly gentleman Noah. The voice said in the sky: "No! You are the only good, good and right human being on this earth. '

You make a big ship. Take your family with you in the ship and sit down. At the same time let the animals, birds, and other creatures on earth enter the ship. Thy work shall be done, and heavy rains shall be upon the earth. There will be no escape from the water-hole except your ship. In this way, when all the sins of the earth and all the sinners, all the crimes and all the criminals will be stressed, you will create a world of goodness. Let charity, mercy, love, love and devotion be renewed.

The skyline is over.

Noah and his family built a great ship after months of hard work, which the earth had never seen.

In it the whole family entered and entered a pair of other creatures, tigers and tigers, lions and lions, and deer, rhinoceros and rhinoceros, chickens and turkeys ... etc. Every creature sat in the ship. There was no living thing on earth.

And the rain started.

Torrential downpour For seven days and seven nights the taps of the sky were opened. Submerged in earth water.

There was nothing left, except Noah's ark.

There was a great earthquake on the earth that on the seventh day of the seventh month, the ship touched the ground.

The ship stopped at Ararat, the highest mountain in the earth.

Still, forty days later, Noah found that 'now peace has come.'

He opened the window and sent a crows to life.

When the crowds returned seven days, Noah sent a dove. After a week there was still water all around.

After another seven days, Noah sent the dove back.

And the dove came back on the seventh day. This time it had a beak of olive leaf in its beak. The olive tree was the inspiration for the new earth. It was a sign of a new and better era. The olive beard had a new look.

Noah and his family shouted in excitement: 'Olive branch! The need is now to grow vegetation on the ground. We can now touch the earth. '

Noah's ark moved forward. The pigeons reached the place where the olives were brought. It was a high mountain. It was named after the olive tree on the olive tree.

The olive tree is arranged for the first time on a Christmas day, so the olive tree is arranged on Christmas day. Olive's branches are a sign of goodwill, innovation and progress. The good place we want to be there is the Jatun in foreign and Christianity.

This is the story of the Christmas olive tree.
