Egyptian legends have many stories about insects, such as scorpions, spiders, and ants. The stories are exaggerated, but the Camel Spider spiders found in Egypt, though small in size, are frightening and violent.
These spiders in the desert are 3 feet long. It has eight legs. There are thousands of different species found in the Camel Spider. The spider's head has two stings. It does not have teeth, but the poisonous acid from the bite burns the victim's skin.
There are many joints in the spider's eight legs. He can run fast, he has fine hair in his back foot, can detect movements near him and can recognize his large eye shapes.
The enemy of this spider is a scorpion. Fighting spiders and scorpions are like watching. Egyptian tribes catch spiders and scorpions and fight them and enjoy watching them.
Camel spiders hunt animals such as lizards, snakes, and mice, and are also called sun spiders because of their saliva. Apart from Egypt, these spiders are also found in the desert of African countries. It is said that in World War I, soldiers stopped to watch spiders and scorpions in Egypt.
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