Advertisements now circulating in the Space Orbit can be seen from Earth

An ad company in Russia is planning to build billboards of advertisement that can be sent to space as a satellite with the help of a rocket. The world of public news boards that can spin like the planet on the Earth's Lower Orbit can be seen in space at different times. For this, special types of small satellites floating in space will be created with rockets. These particular types of cubes will be circling the space but can only be seen in the darkness of the night. The Russian company plans to launch the project by 4. According to the Russian company's claim in this regard, the Disco Ball project sent by the satellite inspired them to work in the new field of Space Aid.

However, he did not specify whether his mission would be under the Orbit Art Project. He also did not disclose what type of rocket would be used to launch a small satellite into the Low Orbit. However, public aviation projects in space have been hailed by some scientists as a boost to traffic and space pollution by some scientists. So too is the problem of waste accumulation already in space. According to the US Department of Defense, there are more than 1 million space junk rotating in Earth's orbital space orbit. There is also the risk of colliding with each other if more advertising satellites arise in Orbit.
