Democracy and people.

Before the republic day, Gandhi had gone away forever. But the concept of their republic was very clear. As applicable at that time, it still applies. Let us understand the concept of democracy in the words of Gandhiji, as written in the book 'We are all children of one father'.

Non-violence at the foundation of democracy
My notion of democracy is that in its implementation the weak should have as much opportunity as the weakest. This can only be done by non-violence, not the other way around.

I have always believed that violence is impossible to give social justice to the small and the low to the low. I have additionally believed that it is possible for even the lowest tier to get rid of their pain and injustice if properly trained through non-violence. This is the path of non-violent non-cooperation.

On some occasions, non-cooperation can be as religious as cooperation. No man is obliged to contribute to his destruction or slavery. No matter how good the efforts of Parke's efforts may be, it cannot be sustained even when such efforts are lacking. That means that such freedom is not real freedom. But even in Adana, a man can learn the art of freedom from non-violent non-cooperation and from that moment he will experience the warmth and the celebration of it within himself.

The right of a citizen to violate civil law
Violation of civil law is the birthright of a citizen. It is only after the man is erased that he can renounce it. Violation of civilization never creates chaos. Criminal breach arises from this. Such a breach is exercised by every state using force. If the state does not do so, it will itself be destroyed. But supposing a lawful violation is like filling a conscience with imprisonment. The true Amaru species can never be found with false and violent means. For, if it is suppressed and killed, then the destruction of all the opponents has to be accepted as a natural consequence.

The salvation of the person does not bear fruit. Personal liberation only results from sheer non-violence. There are so many men in the world who say that the constitution of the world is not over weapons, but truth, kindness or self-control. The major historical evidence, therefore, is that the world is still at war. That is, it has a basis other than a fighting force. Hundreds of thousands of men live their lives lovingly, the tribulations of billions of families become involved in love.

If we all owe our duty, we have the right
Swaraj depends only on our own inner strength, our ability to resist whatever adverse circumstances may arise. Alas, it does not have to be worth pursuing that which does not require such constant effort. That is why I have tried to demonstrate, by word and deed, that political self-government is not a state of affairs for most women and men, and therefore it is necessary for the self-governance of a person or the means by which a man should establish his rule over himself. Required.

The right seed is a duty. If we all owe our duty, we have the right. If we are going to relinquish duty, it is like a tornado. As she follows him, she nods. Krishna sings the same thing in his divine voice: 'O king, only karma is your right; Never bear fruit. ' Karma is that religion; The fruit is entitled to it.

Equal rights for all citizens
My perception of society is that we are all born equal, that is, we have the right to equal opportunity, yet not all have the same power. That is inherently impossible. For example, not all height, color or intelligence can be the same. So naturally some have to earn more and some less. The power of the wise men will be greater, and they will use their intelligence to do so. They will serve the nation if they use compassionate intelligence.

Such people can remain as guards, not in any other way. I let the wise man earn more. I will not stop the development of his intelligence. But as the income of all the father's earning sons is credited to the family's shared account, the greater part of his income is deposited for the benefit of the nation, as much of his income should be used for the benefit of the nation. They can keep their earnings as a guard. It just so happens that I can't do it at all. But I'm trying for it. The full swing does not come as the British are gone. Every citizen should be done so that I can now form my destiny.

The victory over violence is short-lived
Violence of humanity can never eradicate the disease. Whatever the case, the experience so far shows that the victory of violence is short-lived. Much of the violence is generated. What was tried so far was a kind of violence and artificial restraints, and it depended on the will of the prime minister. But at the same time, the controls naturally break down.

We will maintain our principle. And we will absorb our fight. But if we force people to the bottom of our share, we lose our principles. Swaraj means a relentless attempt to become independent of the control of the government, whether that government is foreign or national. The hope that the people hope for the government to streamline every aspect of their lives will be disgraceful.

The ideal state is one in which there is no state authority
I don't want the name state, I want work. This is not our solution, but it is a means of improving the condition of the people in every way. Obtaining state power means getting representatives from the country to power the people. But if the species is automatically created, there is no need to delegate authority. It will be a kind of civilized, restrained chaos. In that chaos everyone will be in control of his own, the king of his grandson.

It will control itself in such a way so that its neighbor does not become impatient. So the ideal state is one in which there is no state, because there is no community state. But that is what the definition of the ideal line is. That is why Thoreau pronounced his motto, in which the imposition of the monarchy was, at the very least, the best of the state. I know that true democracy can only result from non-violence. The federal system of the world can be formed on the basis of non-violence, and in the affairs of the world, violence has to be abolished.

False assumption that power comes from election
We have long been accustomed to believing that people get power only through legislatures. I consider this belief to be a serious mistake of ours. The reason for this confusion is either our inertia, or the fact that the British customs have imposed on us. From a superficial study of the history of the British people, we have come to realize that the power of the peoples at the very top of the monarchy is to distance the people.

The truth is, authority resides in the people, the people belong, and people often delegate it to those whom they choose from time to time as their representatives. Alas, the power of parliament, which is independent of the people, does not exist. The real treasure of power is the power of satyagraha or subversion.

Imagine what would happen if an entire nation refused to follow the rules of their legislature, and was prepared to suffer the consequences of such a breach! Such a people would completely and completely destroy the administrative system of the government's legislature. The police force of the government and the force of the army, whatever the case may be, are sufficient to suppress the minority. But it does not work to force a policeman or an army to bow down to the determination of the whole nation that is prepared to suffer all that may occur.

Furthermore, the administration of the system of parliament is useful only if all members of parliament are happy to overrule the decisions made. In other words, it is said that the administration of parliament's system of affairs works only in mutually favorable groups.

In my view, we do not want to subdue a few who disrespect the majority, but we want to persuade them to change their hearts. If not, then we have to destroy the people of the villages. Because in a hurry we would like to have those new things that we have been able to digest, and those we have had many years to digest, to have in a moment; And if we go to the people to implement this wish with weapons, millions of good people will never taste anything like Swarajya. The system built on the weapon can only be built on the loot of the people that is going on today ... we have to get out of it all.
