Have you heard of Sleep Divorce?

Each person has different sleep patterns. If someone has a habit of spreading too much sleep, he / she will often have to turn around. Many people cry so loudly that the person next to them cannot sleep. If there is anyone else to avoid this situation, they should go to another room and sleep. But spouses cannot do this.

As a result, Sami's fear of being humiliated. On the other hand, when spouses are sleeping in different rooms, the family begins to argue about them. Therefore, most spouses do not sleep, but the child sleeps in the same room. But this pattern has changed as things change a lot over time. Now, couples who are annoyed by such a problem have started to sleep in separate eagle rooms. Doctors call it sleep divorces or night divorces.

Marriage counselors say there is nothing new about spouses' sleeping habits. But if it causes the other person to be harassed, he may not sleep well for days or months, and then talk about his impact on his daily activities, temperament, etc. In our society today, it is not acceptable for a husband and wife to sleep in different rooms.

But when the wrong habits of one person affect one's health, nature, routine, we advise them to sleep, ie, to sleep in different rooms at night. We believe that in order to keep your partner happy, it is inappropriate for you to have a basic foundation like sleep. Because of not getting enough sleep, that person gradually becomes depressed. Even in such a situation their relationship deteriorates. Better that they take their sleep and spend their married life with joy.

Psychiatrists say that it is understandable to keep bedrooms in separate rooms to avoid conflict when there are differences or disagreements between spouses. Likewise, there is a shift of work between the two so that people can take their spouse to sleep in separate rooms even when each other's sleep is disturbed. It is customary for a couple not to sleep together after delivery. But people still don't think that a couple won't sleep in a room because of their sleep habits.

The reason for this is that the bedroom is a place for any couple to have fun, romance, personal talk, and harmony. It protects their relationships in a certain way. The foundation of a successful married life lies in the bedroom itself. However, if one person's sleep cannot be satisfied because of it, then there is nothing wrong with sleeping in different rooms at night.

However, today's youth does not think like the previous ones. They are not ready to assume that not sleeping together can lead to a breakdown in the relationship. This is because of the changing method of working. Today, most spouses work both jobs. Often they have to sit up late at night to finish their projects.

In this case, Sammy is disturbed by a person's sleep if they work in the bedroom. To avoid this situation, anyone who has a job uses the study room. They live in different rooms at night with mutual understanding and consent. And believe that it does not make any difference to their love. Giving each other space in such a way makes their relationship stronger.

Counselors say adequate sleep is needed for everyone. When you cannot sleep long enough, your mood becomes irritated. And that is the main cause of the marital discord. Inadequate sleepiness can cause cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, etc.

It is better that you take a sleep divorce. You do not need to sleep in different rooms every night. You can also do this experiment for a few days. In the meantime you will feel refreshed as your sleep is gone. However, there are some other things you can look for if you do not want to have a sleep divorce. like...,

Contact your doctor if you have a habit of calling your spouse. It is common for nasal congestion to occur due to congestion. The doctor may advise you to use decongestant.

Some people have a very soft mattress to sleep on, while some have a slight softening on the mattress. In such a case, a mattress like the mattress should be made. Similarly, the bed room should be clean and well-temperature. TV, computer, laptop, mobile to keep off while sleeping.

If one is in the habit of reading a book at night, he should arrange the lights so that the other person's sleep will not be disturbed.

When it comes to sleep divorces, happiness should go to different rooms and sleep. Instead of going to another room with a mouth swollen, hugging one another will make a good sleep. Otherwise, sleep may also be caused by anxiety.

