After introducing his powerful performances in theaters like 'Limit: Lakhin Kab Tak' and 'Savitri', Ridhi Dogra is poised to reach a wider audience. Needless to say, she is now moving to the OTT platform. However, she has moved quietly behind the scenes after her last show 'Wo Apna Sa'. And the digital arena is fast approaching.
In the digital arena, this year's actress looks like it will be fruitful. Although he is not ready to let the name of Mug die about his show. He says that at the present stage I cannot say anything about it. But I am equipped with a whole new set of challenges.
And I think we can do a lot of other things too. It also says that I waited a lot for a good project. I didn't just look hot and sexy in the acting field. I want to play different roles. I want to work here for a long time.
If the actress gets good content then she doesn't want to give importance to the medium. He says that I want to do good in different mediums like TV, digital, films, rather than being tied to one medium. I believe that the more you work in the media, the more you learn. Often we get tired of working in the same field. So let's start accusing them
As we try to find errors. However it immediately adds that I did not want to fall into this cycle, so I chose to work in different media. It changed my view of everything. I believe that you should learn to balance anything.
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