Socialist ideology got tangled up in one-sided aggression of capitalism?

Intellect has taken the form of greed! The gullible man is considered clever, intelligent, and intelligent when it comes to manipulation.

The present tense with the past of the past century has been torn down. The vision of the man of the time and the vision of the present man have not been remotely related! The ideological role of that man seems futile to the present man. In everyday life, we have lost the basic identity of every object and substance that comes to us and consumes us! The man who was once called a sensible man would automatically grow in respect! The wise man was then considered a good man! Not so today! Just as everything has lost its identity, so has the parable of the wise.

Today, the wise man is thought to be a good man and there is a danger of being deceived. Because now the definition of discreet has changed! Intellect has taken the form of greed! A cunning man is clever, intelligent, and intelligent when he receives the things he wishes. A man who cannot be tempted is a good man, yet he is considered a nephew! Since such a man has no attraction to anyone, he does not even have a certain kind of friendship when ten people are surrounded by a cunning and clever man! He is a smart man, not smart. When a man becomes truly wise, his worries add to his new anxieties! Everybody is concerned whether it is a matter of home or a matter of society.

On our social morality, materialism has become so infinite that morality is nowhere to be seen. Morality is a dead family and we have buried morality without burial. Earlier speech and virtues were considered man's possessions. Today, carts, bungalows and money are considered assets.

Independence was also the foundation of democracy, the foundation of socialism. After that capitalism became aggressive. Today, there is no denomination of socialism! That means that the building of democracy is in danger! Because the foundation of the building (socialism) has been destroyed and now the foundation of this baseless democracy stands with the support of capitalism. It is not said when the support of a building that has lost its foundation is lost! Socialism was not a threat to capitalism, while capitalism proved to be a fatal threat to socialism. Socialism had the goal of equality. But that equality was not the goal of making everyone a Tata Birla. Everyone was destined to make provision for important life necessities such as 'bread, clothing and house'. Fundamentally, the country's biggest problem was about poverty alleviation. And eliminating unemployment was needed to eradicate poverty and create job opportunities for eliminating unemployment! The purpose was to get everyone to earn a living, not to make everyone a businessman. One goal was to get each person to work according to their skills and qualifications.

If everyone gets work, then unemployment is eliminated and poverty will be eliminated automatically if unemployment is eliminated. It could have been capital gains rather than loss! Because everyone has work, every man earns, his purchasing power also increases! As the purchasing power increases, the markets begin to dim from the consumers and the production of industrialists also increases. In this way, entrepreneurs, that is, capitalism, also benefit and socialism is encouraged! But in the one-sided aggression of capitalism, these socialist ideologies have become very tangled! As a result, the number of unemployed is increasing every year. This situation cannot be avoided by the prospect of being risky. The current educated unemployed cannot tolerate eye-popping policy! Education is up! Accordingly, the number of educated unemployed is increasing every year!

Capitalism also has a lot of work and a lot of money. Assuming that can work for almost everyone. But they have to use machinery instead of man to work there! Where a few men are hired is also taken at the contract base. Don't trust that job! The sword of the truncheon is always shining on his head. A man employed at a contract base may be discharged from the job when he is considered an owner. Does it not benefit from VSR and pension benefits? The notion of how such a man's life will last will only become shaky.

On what basis did a man who had a crouching sore throat at the risk of going to work for a lifetime? The previous government looked after the maids and the working class. Losses were applied under the policy that a man working in the shops in the private sector should have the right to have one holiday a week. Today, the current government is different

Hiring a contractual contractor to fill vacancies in departments. Postgraduate youth are employed at tens of thousands. In this case, how can you reprimand the private sector for contractbase interest? Can't say for sure that today's educated class will be able to handle all these questions, and their confusion! If a professor's class is working in colleges or universities on a pay-per-view basis, or if they use a tamper-proof sword, can that professor work in his or her education? Should I be careful about teaching students?

The current inequality is extremely dangerous, it has to be immediately declared !! Not so fast! Or lack of skills to blame for this situation. Economic experts often point to the government as to how inequality has increased and the magnitude of its vulnerability, and the government seems to be reluctant to indoctrinate people by creating controversy over controversy in order to divert people's attention in that direction! The laughter of mouthwashing in the sand is never workable, nor should it be! Capitalism has wealth and socialism has hunger fire.

What is called gastrointestinal tract is very dangerous. The fire of hunger will not be considered the water of capitalism! Some regional parties have labeled socialism. They are not socialist-oriented parties, they are authoritarian parties. Socialism cannot be expected with any political party. In this case, social socialism will emerge from the social stage and it will only jump to the desired success! Gujarat's change movement originated from the society and the elected government had to go home.

The fish never swims,

So do not drown in water!
