Casting Couch is quite common in the glamor world. Earlier, the actress who had her lips on the subject is no longer hesitant to talk openly on the subject. Tina Datta is also one of such actors. He says that the fact that the casting couch exists in the world of dazzling sixteen is true.
But how important it is that you zip in front of it. Tina also says that I have been in this industry for 3 years now. Meanwhile, a number of times, people have come up to me with 'specific' offers. Of course, excluding the project offer. In fact, you get a lot of other experiences in this industry. People get mail, message, phone with you in mind.
But if you are strong, no one can touch you. You have to be firm that if you do not get a job for one to two or four or five years you will not bend to such an offer. You will do what your mind believes in doing.
Tina's own experience says that I firmly believe that no one can shake hands with you if you do not fall asleep. You have to be careful that you do not fall into the trap of a casting couch under any circumstances. If you are strong, you can easily deal with this problem.
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