Scientists created a robot that resembles human emotions

New Delhi, 28 February 2020, Friday

Today, science is constantly innovating. Every day there are new experiments that are important to man. Today you will find out about such important research.

In Japan, scientists have created a robot that has human-like emotions. He has a face like a baby, and the special thing is that he feels like a human being.

A team of scientists from Okasa University have created this unique robot and shared a video of it. This robot is named Effetto. In Italian it means affection .. Scientists have claimed that it will be able to keep up with the robot in the short run.

This unique robot was seen in 2011. Subsequently, many changes were made in 2018. The robot has a synthetic scan with an electrical charge to make it look like a real human.

This robot currently has touch and distress mechanisms installed so it can understand the pain and touch. Scientists claim that this robot will prove helpful to older people after it is ready.
