Try it first without installing an app you like in the Play Store!

When you are testing various apps in the Google Play Store app, you will find some apps that are not sure if you will be really useful. We just have to try it. If the app size is too high, then we should almost always do such a trial.

To remedy this, the Play Store now has a feature called 'instant apps'. With the help of this feature we can try out different apps in almost their original form, without having to download them completely.

However, this feature is not available to everyone. This benefit comes in the app developer who also creates an 'instant version' of his app. To take advantage of this feature, we have to turn on the 'Instant Apps' option in the settings of the Google account in the Play Store settings (this feature may not be available on your phone).

Then when you search for different apps or games in the Play Store, some apps will have the 'Try Now' button along with the install. You can try it out without installing the app by clicking it. If the app looks good, install it, move on to other apps or games!
