'We have written a lot of verses in the poem, that the poem does not exist.' The rhyme is the body, the poem is the soul contained in it. Often the verse is lit, the meaning is meaningless, yet there is nothing heartbreaking
Placed in the middle of the square
Climb on a rope
Have the guts to go with a smile?
To the blazing fire
Have the ability to play in the palm?
Blowing shit up
Do you have the patience to warm up?
From the vertical wall
Have the courage to cross over?
In the spider web
To the whole universe
Have an eye to see screaming?
If you
Poetry can - maybe.
- Jayant Pathak
Yesterday, March 7 was World Poetry Day. A little talk on this occasion. Because of the influx of social media, the number of poets has become foam after the waves hit the coast. Who knows where this foam will hang in social media socks? But one thing is certain that it has a lot of strong voices. A big thank you to social media has made it easy to reach people with poetry. Sometimes this great favor can also prove to be a disaster.
The poem that the poet writes? The poet who writes that poem? What is poetry really about? The rhythmic arrangement of the press? Can it be sung Have a nice ornament? Something that makes sense? Is the verse written? What then is the blind? Thus, writing poetry is easy. Only good poetry is difficult to write. Anything can be learned in poetry by learning a few verses. Harikrishna Pathak once made a nice statement, 'We have written a lot of verses in the poem, there is no proof of the poem itself.' The rhyme is the body, the poem is the soul contained in it.
Often the verse is lit, the meaning is meaningless, yet there is nothing heartbreaking. The reason for this is that the verse is not a poem. If that happens then it makes sense, but why not make a poem. ? Maybe the meaning is not even poetry. One well-known scholar also wrote, "The word is a great source of poetry and means a subtle instrument." But if we think too deeply, this statement will also be questioned. For example, when reading a headline print that 'The terrorist attack on the Taj Mahal' took place, it makes sense, but it became news, not poetry. That doesn't mean poetry either.
One quote for the news is, 'A dog bites a man is not news, but a man bites a dog.' There is something 'maybe' in the poem as well. What you have seen, learned, experienced, enjoyed, understood, understood so far, when you are broken by a different thought, is likely to be a poem. Remember, there is only a possibility called 'probability'. Yes, it is not. On the other hand, if the question is called poetry, it can happen without rhythm or pseudoscience. So the way we understand poetry is way less.
However, in making any conclusions about the identity of the poem, one thing is the same whether it is an expression of emotion, be it chandas, akhandas, song, ghazal, haiku, sonnet or whatever form. The price should be. On the other hand, the question is whether there are emotions and emotions in our daily talk too! But in poetry it is emphasized by special cooking. They include the expression of word, meaning, interest, lightness, pras, rhythm, streak, etc. However it has less to say about poetry. All that we say about poetry is true to some extent, and in a way, everything goes well in defining it.
Poetry is the heritage of culture. The word poetry has kept the language and culture alive. If Jayant Pathak has said that poetry should be dealt with, the courage to climb a rope, the strength to punch Angara, the courage to cross the wall, the eye to see the universe spiraling into the net of spiders.
If that is the case - maybe Jayant Pathak has also added 'Maybe'. Not physically taking what he talked about. If a man plays in the hands of a stove and then plays with a paper-paper, there is no poetry. All this is to experience the level of consciousness, even after experiencing the word of the poem can be found. If the poem is God-given, it is true, but it is only a few minutes, the remaining ninety percent should be worked hard. Thus much poetry can still be written about, but with the word limit in mind, hang here.
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What if we stop doing poetry?
Are the lakes dry?
Rivers stop flowing?
Wake up litter?
Does the grass stop growing?
Is the earth shaken in the abyss?
No, no, it doesn't happen -
But ... then
The waterfalls shatter
Winds unloaded
Don't come to play;
Wearing the wings of a mountain cloud
Can't fly;
Flowers of tears burst into tears;
The earth rotates round
But it remains
In space;
The sky does not rise high.
If we stop doing poetry
Thus, nothing happens
- That means nothing happens!
- Jayant Pathak
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