New York, March 27, 2020, Friday
One million varieties of grain have been stored in one place in the Arctic to cope with the epidemic, from epidemics to deluge. The tower will serve as a grain-raising seed again in the event of a nuclear war or a crisis of grain. A little while ago, a million varieties were added to his specialty store room. In this special dome known as the Vault, different varieties of cereals are preserved. The doors of this tower are also rarely opened so that the grain is kept in its original condition.
Rice, smoke and other cereal varieties are the new address of mankind's Crisis Food in the Svalboard Global Seed Vault in the Arctic. When this storage facility was built on a mountain in 2008, it was designated to re-grow in areas affected by a nuclear war or epidemic, which is why it was named Dooms de Vault. It is situated between Norway and the North Pole.
Only men counted in the vault once or twice a year to maintain seed. The vault was last opened on February 25, 2020, depositing seeds brought from 30 gene banks in India, Mali and Peru. However, in addition to emergencies, doomsday vaults have also been useful in times of crisis. The breeder provides the bank with which to grow any grain. The Crop Trust, which is based in Born, Germany, manages it.
The trust believes that this vault is the equivalent of this back-up of deficit protection on earth. Researchers first pulled seeds out of the vault when Seed Bank was destroyed in Aleppo city in 2015 due to a civil war in Syria. Two years later this seed was again grown and deposited in its sample sailboard vault. Due to the extremely cold climate of Arctic, even if the electricity supply is lost at one time, the seeds do not deteriorate very quickly. However, due to the climate change, the danger is increased not only for the seed but also for the pralay dome itself.
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