In the film, Saif Ali Khan has cast a life in the role of Udayabhan Singh Rathore. Saif looks even more cruel than Ranveer Singh's character played by Ranveer Singh in Padmaavat.
Mughal Azam is the highest peak of cinema for us in films based on e-history and history. The love story of Salim and Anarkali, whose mimes we make today, we still do not have. Three films were made in a decade, depicting the story of the Marathas and Mughals in India. One was Bajirao Mastani. In which the war was in laughter and Bajirao Mastani's love story filled the pages. Shortly before, Ashutosh Gowarikar's Panipat came and did not know when it was gone. It was served by the Afghan king Ahmad Shah Abdali and the politics of Mughal-Maratha. The film was defeated just like the battle of Panipat because of its artists. For Panipat, not for the artists, but for the politics of Maratha-Mughal times and for his cinematography with a sharp screenplay. Such a Tanaji in 1. Whatever centered on the battle of Maratha and Mughal.
By not tampering with history in a film based on history? It has to be seen first. In the past, Padmaavat has had a good experience all over India. Even though history is as strong as brick, a film like Sword Edge cannot be made from it. The author should have the ability to treat his story and bring a twist. Like Bajirao Mastani, his story was based on the classic novel Rao published in Nagnath S Inamdar's VII. So that the horses of the imagination were already running.
The only path was to reveal. Which Sanjaylila Bhansali showed nicely. Now let's talk on Tanaji. Khokho is one of the hallmarks of the game. The player has to run as many lines as possible on the playground. There is no going away. The player has to return by touching a certain line in the kabaddi. Tanaji had chosen both the line and the field exactly. But she was defeated in some of the rules of the film.
The film begins with an invasion. Where Tanaji's father goes to fight but does not return. To the boy he gives his bitter. For Tanaji to become a symbol of freedom struggle in the future. Chhatrapati Shivaji, on the other hand, has fought against the Mughals. The Mughals occupy most of Shivaji's castles except Shivneri. There is a fort in it. We want Shivaji at any cost. Shivaji plans for an attack, but tells all people that Tanaji should not be aware of this.
Because Tanaji's daughter is married. Shivaji did not want to upset Tanya in this auspicious time. Due to his loyalty, this fort was given to Aurangzeb Rajput Raja Udayabhan Singh Rathore. In addition, a cannon named Nagin also presents. Rathore is extremely cruel and violent. He also does not hesitate to cut the elephant pole that throws dust at him instead of the soldier. The castle is now occupied by Udayabhan. Tanaji takes responsibility for the release.
If you look at the film from beginning to end, it seems that somewhere in between, Masamoto has shrunk. An example of how quickly the story can be completed or even completed is Tanaji. The latter part of the film Tanaji Shivaji is about to fight and I did not notice that he gets into trouble. Its prerequisite is completed in battle. The fight scene depicted by the 3D effect is definitely heart-warming. Only one fight has hit the movie. In other words, the original concept of the film is on the plan to castle Fateh. If you've ever seen Hollywood science fiction films, some scenes will look like toys. But Ajay Devgan's effort is good. He has worked hard to be as good as he gets technically as a producer.
The budget of films like Tanaji to Bajirao Mastani or Panipat is enough to break the waist of any producer. It has to flow like water, even if it looks excellent at a technical level, and if you use a significant number of elephants and horses to bring in originality, there are as many elephants and horses as back. Here elephant horses are few, but also need a giant cannon.
The best thing about the film is the strategy. The Art of War. That will be understood from the entry scene of Ajay Devgn. Soldiers cross the gate one by one after the castle. This part of the script is most beautifully written and filmed later. Looks like a game is running, but this game is not true.
What is Neha Sharma in Kamla Devi's role? What does it mean to be? This story has not been reviled anywhere. They should explode if a gun is hung on the wall. There is a gun here called Neha Sharma, but it does not explode. Just like the cannon doesn't explode !! A person comes and takes her and her character is just there. Many attempts have been made to make the film a bet. Maybe that's why there are so many characters in the film. But those characters weren't given enough space. The film revolves around its ambitious characters like Saif and Ajay. Kajol is completed in just 5 minutes. Neha Sharma, who has spoken to Agawu, does so in just 5 minutes.
The film is made for Tanaji, but your eyes find Saif Ali Khan. He has cast his life in the role of Udayabhan Singh Rathore. Saif looks even more cruel than Ranveer Singh's character played by Ranveer Singh in Padmaavat. He uses a sharp weapon attached to the sword's fist instead of the sword when hitting. That scene only shows how violent he is and whom Tanaji is going to bathe against.
Ajay Devgan is perfect in Tanaji's role. His face, his body, his height ... whatever the appropriate aptitude for an artist to become Tanaji is in him. Friendship is. The country has to sacrifice. The worst case scenario is to land on the battlefield. The film was not missed in delivering that message.
- Eat peacock
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