New York, March 30, 2020, Monday
The virus has caused panic around the world from Wuhan, China's Hubei province. More than 3 billion people are forced to stay home to avoid the virus. 7.25 million people are infected with the virus in the world. With daily wages and business collapsing, Covid-19 has the highest number of cases in the world of 1.20 million, as does the superpower country like America. The world is spreading anger over China by calling the Corona virus a Wuhan virus, according to a report published in the US Wall Street Journal on December 10, 2019 in Wuhan that a woman who caught the shrimp became the Corona virus, the first person in the world to be the victim of Corona. Has survived after a long treatment.
The name of this woman from Wuhan is Wei Guijian, known as the Patient Zero of the Corona Virus. When Wei Guijian arrived at the hospital, she claimed that she was sick of using a sharing toilet in the sea food market. He complained of common fever and cold and hence was treated and treated with flu. Wei was brought to Wuhan's Great Union Hospital on December 16 for no difference from treatment. Apart from Wei, some people from C market in Hunna province had rushed to the hospital complaining of such symptoms.
Until late December, an unknown corona virus was found to be in the body. However, different claims are being made about Corona's Patient Zero. The first patient with the Corona Virus arrived in Wuhan on December 1, 2019, according to the Crescent Medical Journal. However, there is a widespread outbreak in the world that an unknown corona virus was spread during the testing of biological weapons in China's Wuhan laboratory. Victims of Corona infection and fear of lockdown at home have been blaming China for the Corona virus on social media. The alarm has spread over more than 1 million coronary infection patients and 1 to 2 million deaths in the United States in the future. Lockdowns in Spain and Italy have also failed to stop Corona's transition.
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