This fast is one that relieves bad habits

New Delhi, 3 April 2020, Friday

The Ekadashi of the Shukla Party of Chitra Mas is called Kamada Ekadashi. The festival comes after Ramnavami. This Ekadashi is considered a special day for the fulfillment of all worldly desires. Excellent fruit is obtained by fasting Lord Shri Hari Vishnu on Kamada Ekadashi. The vow is fruitful. Hence it is also called Falda Ekadashi. Doing this fast relieves bad habits.

Fasting on this date removes all suffering and completes manaamnaka. To perform this vow, in the morning, perform a white dress and worship the Lord Vishnu with milk, sesame, fruit flower and Panchamrit and offer them yellow flowers after worship.

Kamada Ekadashi is described in the Vishnu Purana. The person who performs this fast gets rid of the vagina. Fasting should be given to the Brahmins and fasting by Kamada Ekadashi. Fasting should be done only after the Brahmin has been established. This fasting man should exercise restraint on his mind and observe celibacy.

Remembering Lord Vishnu at night after fasting. On this day chanting Vishnu Sahasranama. Both husband and wife came together to worship Lord Vishnu in this vow.
