Coronaproof coach of Indian Railways

- Branded-New of Indian Railways made in Kapurthala coach factory. The causative agent of the passenger coach Covid-19 is designed to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Learn the fascinating science behind creation

Ray Lavey's Indian chronicle is 15 years long and it is not beyond the boundaries of events, landmarks, new records, innovations and novelties like believe it or not. A new chapter is added to this chronicle from time to time, so the history of Indian Railways is getting richer and richer. An interesting chapter was written a few times ago by the engineers of Kapurthala Coach Factory in Punjab.

Engineers and workers of the Kapurthala Rail Coach Factory were sweating in the Gianton Shed to build brand-new passenger coaches for the general public as the Kovid-19 epidemic swept the country from their homes. On July 17, his hard work took shape. The first coronproof passenger coach of Indian Railways came out of the shed on a historic day. This may be due to timely changes in the design of railway passenger coaches, but for the first time in the history of Indian Railways, an epidemic like the Covid-19 was the occasion for the transfer of coaches.

Our railway department currently has about 50,000 passenger coaches, which are mainly manufactured in two factories. A factory called Integrated Coach Factory, spread over 3 million square meters, is owned by Parambutar in Tamil Nadu. It was started in the five years of independence. Earlier, wooden coaches were made at the Matunga railway workshop in Mumbai and steel coaches had to be imported from abroad. Today, the Integrated Coach Factory in Perambur produces 4,500 passenger coaches a year.

Another factory called Rail Coach Factory was started on the 19th in Kapurthala, Punjab. In three and a half decades, 60,000 integrated coaches have been made in the factory. Know a supplementary information just for the sake of general knowledge: One-piece bins of steel are called integrated coaches in English. When making the structure of such a box, different sheets of steel do not have to be joined by mutual welding. Rather, the whole coach is made of one-piece without a single joint. There is no connection between any of the parts like left-right side, floor, ceiling. By adopting the method of bending instead of welding, the box is given the shape of a closed, rectangular cocoon. Doing so gives the coach tremendous strength and does not turn the box even in the event of a serious accident. Large casualties are avoided because of it.

After this brief, but necessary background, let us now return to the main topic of the article.


Before the lockdown in the epidemic, millions of workers, employees and jobs in the country had moved to their respective villages and cities. They stayed for three to four months. Now that the process of unlocking has started in stages, all of them are going to leave their homeland and return to their homeland — and for that they have to rely on the railway service. Indian Railways is not fully operational at the moment, but it is certain that millions of passengers will flock when it resumes. Even after controlling the number of passengers in the railways in the name of social distance, a question remains: the transition of touch.

The average person traveling in a train often touches the handles, windows, toilet door, door handle, faucet of the wash basin outside the toilet as well as the door, table and curtain opening towards the passage if the coach is air conditioned. These are places where not only can corona viruses accumulate, but the accumulation can last a long time. If you want to get rid of the virus, you have to use a sanitizer every now and then. But doing so is as difficult as it is difficult. To address this, the Kapurthala Rail Coach Factory has made some necessary changes in the new passenger compartment. like,

Touching with the palms of the hands and fingers has been ruled out. In the new coach, the passenger does not have to open and close the faucet of the wash basin by hand. This work is handled by the foot pedal at the bottom of the faucet, which is turned on by the footsteps. There is no need for paws to push the door, as the traditional handles have been removed and replaced with thick hook-like handles. The passenger has to open / close the door by inserting his wrist in it, so there is no question of touching the finger. The latch of the toilet door can be opened and closed with a foot pedal, so no hand touch is required when operating the inner basin faucet, liquid soap, adhesive and flush. Footwork gets the job done.

Speaking of passenger seats, windows, curtains, fans, floors, tables, water bottles, etc., the experts of Kapurthala Coach Factory have not failed to take precaution. All of these items are anointed with titanium dioxide. This chemical is an effective killer of viruses, germs and fungi. Besides, its lifespan is one year or so, so after spraying it once, the year is very hot!

Another important change in the new passenger coach is the hand lane towards the bay at the entrance of the compartment. The handles used in traditional coaches are made of sterile steel. This metal is corrosion proof, but it is very yarn with corona. The close bond between stainless steel and coronavirus does not break for 3 to 5 days. Copper, on the other hand, fills the corona in two to three hours. The word 'bharkhi' is used here knowingly, as copper is in fact deadly to viruses and bacteria. The nucleus of this element is made up of 5 protons and 25 new trons. Around the navel, 4 electrons orbit in four different orbits. There is only one free electron in the outer orbit, which strikes the virus like a missile. This means that as soon as the virus enters the surface of the copper, the electron burns it. The 'living dead' virus, whether animate or inanimate, is made up of only two materials. (1) RNA / ribonucleic acid. (2) The lining of proteins around the RNA, which has scales called receptor pins. Apart from this it does not have a third 'organ'. The free electrons of copper call for the destruction of the virus's RNA.

Such sharpness of copper is not limited to virulence alone. On the contrary, it is equally harmful to bacteria. Fifteen years ago, two British scientists mixed E. coli-type bacteria in a sealed copper container filled with water and kept the water for four hours. Two days later a small amount of water was removed from the container and examined under a microscope to find that E. coli had been destroyed and the water was bactericidal. The free electrons of the copper broke the biological structure of the bacteria. Seeing such properties, the engineers of Kapurthala Rail Coach have covered all the handles of the coaches with pure copper on the bathroom links.


Knowing all this, it naturally happens that in the time of the epidemic, is there any essence in improving with the hodgepodge? The English saying prevention is better than cure can be cited in the answer. But let's talk about philosophy, let's talk about solid science. Let us understand some of the serious issues related to corona virus infection, so the answer to the above question will be found automatically.

When the average person coughs, the mucus from the lungs and the saliva from the mouth come out of his mouth in the form of at least 5,000 drops at a maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour. When sneezing, the number of droplets should be about 20,000 and their dispersal speed should not be less than 200 km. The corona virus lodges in the respiratory tract. As a result, scientists have found that about 300 million viruses are transmitted when a person carries a cough. The lethality of sneezing in spreading the virus is more severe than coughing. The saliva droplets mixed in the air by these two mediums are less than 100 microns (the diameter of the scalp). Scientists at Drexler University in the U.S. state of Philadelphia say that droplets smaller than five microns do not seem to be affected by gravity. As a result, it constantly spreads fungi in the air and infects the respiratory tract of a healthy person.

On the other hand, droplets larger than 5 microns are slowly moving towards the ground due to the effect of gravity. During this movement, if you come across a table, a chair, a glass, a dish, a mobile, a print, a book, an elevator button, a door handle and anything else you can guess, the virus drops on them. The presence of the virus here lasts from a few hours to a few days. Such a medium period. As such, the virus has a lifespan of five days on the stainless steel handle of the door. If it lasts for four days on wooden furniture, the virus can remain active for 3 and 4 hours, respectively, on cartons made of plastic and paper pulp. Corona was told as soon as possible to 'rent a seat!' Copper is one of the rare materials used by the engineers of Kapurthala Rail Coach Factory.

One more thing to understand is that the biggest hand in spreading the corona transition is the human hand. This is the reason why hand-touched items are excluded from the newly built coronaproof passenger coach. In addition, titanium dioxide coating is an effective remedy for the prevention of viruses. Not only are new passengerR coaches coming with all these features, but the existing coaches are being made coronaproof.

In short, even if the hodgepodge improves a little from the big drop! It is undoubtedly a welcome step to prevent or slow down the spread of the corona virus, rather than to allow it to spread unchecked. The engineers of Kapurthala Rail Coach Factory continued to applaud the step taken in that direction with full positivity. ■
