- Science campaign to combat malnutrition
Science campaign to curb hidden hunger
If India is to emerge as a superpower, the vast masses of this country must be saved from malnutrition. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. Lack of essential nutrients leads to 'hidden hunger'. Hidden hunger is a bigger problem in India than hunger. India is one of the largest grain producing countries in the world. India is home to one-third of the world's two billion people who suffer from malnutrition. It is essential to include micronutrients in the diet of the people of India today. It should also be added in an economically viable way.
It is important to remember that there is a big difference between hunger and latent hunger. If a person eats less than the 2100 kcal of energy, he is said to be hungry. But those whose diet lacks essential nutrients are called latent appetite i.e. malnutrition. In English it is called 'malnutrition'.
Adequate and unbalanced diet for human health and wellness gives a person not only energy but also essential amino acids, especially abnormal sulfur rich amino acids, lysine, methionine, vitamins, folic acid and ionic elements, iodine, and iodine. It is important to note that a chain of amino acid molecules forms a protein. There are many types of proteins. If it contains eight types of essential amino acids, it is called a complete protein. The structure and repair of the body is attributed to proteins.
There are many serious signs of chronic deficiency of the above nutrients. Disruptions in fetal development, limited cognitive development of the child, the child remains lethargic. Blindness occurs and the immune system does not work properly.
Deficiency of micronutrients in the diet such as iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, vitamin-A, vitamin-E, folic acid, etc. affects three billion people worldwide. This number is half of the world's population. It includes most women, infants and children. They also belong to families who live in developing countries and are poor in resources. Children die every year. Half of them are due to malnutrition. In developing countries, 16 million children under the age of five are underweight. And the low weight of 3 crores is due to high altitude. Of the world's population of two billion, women and children are the most deficient in iron, while about 200,000 children are deficient in vitamin A. In our country, Rs 2,50 crore is wasted every year due to lack of micronutrients in all these people. Lack of micronutrients reduces people's productivity, along with diseases, leading to huge costs behind health care.
Some strategies are being tried to reduce micronutrient deficiencies around the world. It involves fortification of food items with nutrients. (Ready flour is available. Fortified. Grain grinding bells are also suggested to add nutrients to fortify the grain flour they grind there.) The method of doing has begun.
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