Man for organized religions to date: a pet

Two fingers are not the same. No two men are alike. In a family, five children living under the same system of worship, the same umbrella, the same discipline should not be the same. If you speak respectfully to one person, that respect will be considered your weakness, and the other person will appreciate your respectful behavior. A father, mother, brother sitting at home or your neighbor traveling shoulder to shoulder with you on the local train every day may not seem adorable to you, but the same person on the podium utters a mesmerizing voice to thousands, if you don't meet him every day he will impress you, even if How much sharper and more accurate than your parents and siblings!

Ever thought about the super-complex psychology of mankind? If even a ray of understanding of the understanding of psychology imposes on you, the so-called religious and moral movement will really feel like a hollow or a palace of cards. Then it is understood that even if a huge crowd takes rasada with an illusion or a shallow borrowed belief, the illusion does not become true due to the loudness of the 'huge' number.

What has boiled down to all the systematic forms of worship that claim to lead man to peace, salvation, salvation through rules, constitutional discipline? Except for the false self-delusion about passion and quality? The moment you experience the truth, the happiness, the peace, the inner happiness, the moment you wake up longing that this happiness, this happiness is also found in my brother-in-law, brother, sister, dear, this longing is not wrong, but the moment you feel for your realization Foolishness begins when you make a 'formula', a prescription, a policy-rule document, you want others to feel the same way, you want others to feel like you, you have to make a solid effort to do so.

The cult begins. The so-called institutionalized religion begins. You forget that every man is an independent being, every person is a pilgrim standing at a certain stage, at a certain level, he has his own response, he has his own sacramental strengths and weaknesses. It is not a pet that you give it a list of certain foods, just mold it into some pattern of external behavior, that's all! Remember, policy-rules, institutional military restrictions will allow you to prepare millions of sheep ready to go to the slaughterhouse, not lions at all!

Man's personality is like an instrument, an orchestra. Unless something is accepted from the deepest level of his personality, dull, annoying music will emerge from his instrumental set. You command someone, the policy, the so-called

When you give a religious belief, to what level of depth of personality does that belief reach? The fact is that the sound of belief must rise from the abyss of its haiya and spread to the surface of the face, the behavior.

But when a cult is set up to sell a ready-made formula of realization, a ready-made prescription, there are thousands of queues ready to wear that ready-made garment, but that garment seems hugely absurd. The reason is straightforward. Clothing given to one's inner spiritual personality by someone, from a factory quantity, does not work. He needs to dress in a way that suits his style.

But the task of uniting all has not stopped, even after the tragic, historic, massive failure of all organized religions!
