This was an indomitable zeal in the Kha forest. The animals and birds had been bathing in the morning and getting ready in clean clothes. When the corona virus was rampant all over the world, Montu Sassarana, who was educated in the city, went to the city to stop the wild boar from becoming prey. So every animal and bird in the forest was eager to know what Montu Maharaj would say.
And Montu also conveyed the news to every nest in the cave, bakhole - bakhole kidiyare kidiyare - tree by Gabhru Undar Raj three days in advance that tomorrow a huge gathering of every animal and bird living in our forest will be held in the vast courtyard in front of the palace of King Singh. . At the presidency of which Maharaj Singhdev will be sitting, and Montu Sassarana, the pride of our forest who has come to the city for higher studies, the field began to be filled with animals and birds as the time of weeping corona all over the world. The middle chair on the stage was for Sinharaja. The surrounding divan was for Vaghji - the side chair was for Luchcha Munim's Shiyaldev. Apart from that, in the chair sat a swaying elephant, a giraffe, a grumpy bear, etc.
While in the back row of wolves, dogs, zebras and wild dogs in the audience, the birds sat down according to their stature and position. Suddenly there was the sound of drums. Everyone's eyes were drawn to Montu Sassarana sitting on his beloved Bholaram bear with his fellow Sassarana army - each rabbit had a banner with different inscriptions about the corona - one banner read "Don't be afraid of the corona". One rabbit's banner read in Hindi - 'Corona se darna nahin hai - mukabala karna hai' The other banner read 'If Corona se dar gaya - Samzo mar gaya' then the third one wrote in its banner 'Come, join Korona's free campaign' The whole procession came to the ground with new banners so the whole assembly cheered the Montu rabbit and climbed the Montu stage with his personal friend Bholuram the bear. And the lion sat on a separate chair beside the king. Adiyal Untram vacated his chair for Bholaram Bear and sat himself down in the audience. The cunning Munim Shiyaldev saw Montu lying and ran to the lion's den to inform Sinharaja. So Sinharaja came out of the lazy khankheri cave and climbed on the stage as if all the animals stood up and respected him. Diwan Waghji honorably seated Singhdev on the throne - there was a calm peace in the meeting. Then Diwan Waghji stood up and saluted the lion king and said, "Maharaj, now the whole world is in the grip of the corona virus, people are dying like ants, mankoda, by the grace of nature that the corona has not spread in our forest yet and will not spread again. This meeting is organized for our Hamdard Montu Saslaji to tell us two words. Now I would request our Montuji to tell us two words about Corona's awareness: The whole meeting was over and I was eager to hear what Montu Sassaji was saying.
Montu the rabbit stood up. Then he bowed to Sinharaja and said, "Maharaj, today when Corona is crying all over the world, fortunately we are still surviving the transition and we need awareness to survive, so listen to a poem I wrote about Corona first:
Don't be afraid of Corona, don't be afraid,
Don't eat meat, don't do it,
Don't listen to rumors, don't listen,
Don't go without a reason, don't go,
Don't meet each other without a reason, don't meet,
Don't mix where there is a crowd,
Don't be afraid of Corona, don't be afraid.
The whole stage erupted in applause to hear the eloquent voice of the Montu rabbit so much poetry. Montu further said that the fact that even mankind has not yet found a vaccine for corona, the human race has come to believe that vigilance is the only medicine in such a crisis, which is why it is the primary duty of all of us not to let the killer corona into the forest. That is why I humbly request all of you that if we keep a little vigilance - Corona will stay away from us - now how to keep a little vigilance - vigilance. We should stop shaking hands with each other. Staying away from public meetings or crowds - If God has given us abundant rivers and lakes then we should wash our limbs and especially our hands frequently.
My humble request to Maharaja Singhdev is to stay away from non-vegetarian food for a month. It is true that lions do not eat grass, but I urge my forest brothers to provide you with fruit every day. Finally, friends, let us resolve to repel the Corona before it enters our forest. Because vigilance is the only solution. At last Maharaja Singh stood up and said, "I agree with Montu and promise to eat meat. Montu said at the end, friends, what is the point of dying before death? What to fear from Corona? We'll just jump off the corona! The animals roared lions and montu!
- Yusuf Mir
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