The brain is thus a physical organ but it is the center of consciousness. Neurology shows that the number of muscle cells in the outer gray matter of the brain is about ten billion. The balance that the cerebellum is responsible for is located in the posterior part of the cerebellum and does not include the number of spinal cells above. At the same time, about one trillion cells of the glial tissue that work with it attach them to each other. The combined process of all this reveals the neural consciousness. A large part of the brain structure is still unknown. The brain is a very mysterious organ. Its potential is limitless, infinite, infinite. In humans, a man's brain weighs about 1,200 grams and a woman's brain weighs about 1,200 grams.
Scientists say that in the brain of an intelligent, active human being, by the time he is 5 years old, fifty crores of instructions, information, diagrams, etc., are imprinted on the memory board. The book Cybernetics within Us states that the number of memory-functioning cells in the cerebral cortex of the human brain is so large that if they work together, they can memorize 15,000,000,000 x 200,000 printed pages in 1 second. !
Brain activity and inactivity are usually measured by testers who demonstrate their skills. But as an exception to this, it is sometimes observed that in such tests, a person becomes extraordinarily talented or genius in a particular matter as a field or center of the brain is more active even though the IQ is low. Such a wonderful case should be.
Is. Born in 18th century in a village called Layworth in New York State, USA, the twins were known as 'idiots'. One was named George and the other was named Charles. They were kept in an incubation box as they had a premature birth in the sixth month instead of nine months. At the age of three, doctors declared him mentally weak. Then at the age of nine I took his IQ test and it was around 70. He said that this is a lot less than the people with common sense. He lags behind in performing intellectual tasks.
In the 19th, the psychoanalyst of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, Dr. George and Charles were brought to William Horowitz. At first he thought they were both stupid and stupid. He could not even make simple additions and subtractions. He couldn't even answer how much if we add two to two and how much if we subtract ten from twenty. But when asked which month will start from Friday in 2009, he replied in a second that the months of February, March and November in 2009 will start from Friday. No matter how many complex questions were asked about calendar calculation, he would immediately give the correct answer. Horviz gave him a person's date of birth and asked how much time he had spent in life until his last birthday and how much time he would spend until his next birthday. He did the mental process and answered it verbally in a couple of seconds. Is. He also told me what date it would be at certain times in certain months of the year 2000.
Scientists and mathematicians took many of the toughest tests in this regard. But his answer always came true! He had no knowledge of the distinction between the Julian or Georgian calendars but, surprisingly, gave information about the dates, times, etc. of thousands of years ago or later. It was as if George's mind was completely engrossed in the 'Perceptual Calendar'! This disclosure does not apply to him either. The 'Perspective Calendar' beyond 200 has never been published. When George could have calculated even more than that! Even brain scientists can't answer how these twin brothers knew the details of the calendar by making such complex calculations. In the 180's, George and Charles came to be known as the 'Human Calendars'.
Han Born on June 19 in Hamburg, Germany, Johann Martin Zacharias Dase became famous as a mental calculator or computer. He had tremendous mathematical power. He answered by mentally multiplying 6th 6 in 3 seconds. In this way, he multiplied two numbers of 20 digits in 3 minutes. In a more difficult test, he multiplied the sum of 20 digits with the sum of another 20 digits in just 40 minutes without using a pencil.
During one experiment, he mentally multiplied the sum of 100 digits with the sum of 100 digits. It took him 2 hours and 5 minutes. In the 19th century, he also worked with the Hamburg Academy of Sciences to calculate the factor of all numbers from 8 million to 10 million. Johan Das would tell without counting how many sheep there are in the field and how many words are in the sentence. His brain also acquired such an ability.
Jadeedia Buxton of England also had an extraordinary mental count. Thus, he did not study mathematics at all, but he could do long calculations in a jiffy. His brain was more advanced than a computer in counting letters and numbers. Once it was taken to the theater for an experiment. At the end of the play, he showed the exact number of characters in the dialogues spoken by different characters and also the exact number of steps taken by the dancers in the dance.
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