Scientists of the world.

Oxygen is the gas in the earth's atmosphere, which is why living things have evolved. Oxygen is also called oxygen because it is the basis of life. In addition the various effects and uses of oxygen are well known. Corrosion of metals is also affected by oxygen. Oxygen is needed when anything burns, so oxygen is also needed to generate energy. All these discoveries were made by a scientist named Antoine Lavoisier. Lavoisier laid the foundations of chemistry in the field of science.

Antoine Lavoisier was born in He was born on August 4, 18 in a wealthy family in Paris. He studied chemistry, botany, astronomy and mathematics at the Mazarin College in Paris. Is. At the age of 12, he was admitted to the French Academy of Sciences.

Lavoisier discovered the effects of oxygen gas. In addition to science, Lavoisier was also a student of politics and economics. He took part in political activity. Is. He was convicted of rebellion during the 19th French uprising and was sentenced to death. Is. He was hanged on May 5. Thus came the tragic end of a great scientist.
