Like some other Bollywood actors and celebrities, Sonakshi Sinha has taken to social media to express her remorse. So it's been away from Twitter for the last two months. Apart from this, nepotism and sagaism in Bollywood following the death of gold actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Guinness also has a never-ending discussion of outsiders. What was left was now targeting the films of Netizen's Star Kids.
In short, the atmosphere is extremely hot. In those circumstances, if we don't meet the daughter of the shotgun, it will be our turn to repent later, so we take an appointment on the phone and go to meet Miss Sinha. After drinking the famous spicy tea of the Sinha family, we start a conversation with Sonakshi.
We start the interview with today's hot topic, 'Sonakshi, everyone knows that after the debate of Insiders vs. Outsiders, people have washed their hands behind the children of film stars (Star Kids). He is being brutally trolled on social media. How do you feel about that? Is that fair? Listening to the question, Miss Sinha's eyes start burning with anger, 'Sir, tell me one thing, what is our fault? Have we been born a filmstar or a home? It is not up to anyone to decide who will be born there.
Then why are we being charged without a reason? Tell me if there is any logic behind it. People are being provoked. Anger is poured out on us without cause. Assuming you come from a film family, it will help you get the first meeting with the producer, the first audition and maybe the first film. But then what? After that, everyone has to move forward on their own. Whether insider or outsider, nothing can improve or spoil the career of anyone except the spectators. And second, there are more outsiders than so-called insiders in the industry today. What, then, is the point of useless talk? '
Before Sonakshi calms down, we ask another shattering question, 'How do you, as a person born into a film family, view the discussion of nepotism? Has he never used your surname to get a movie? ' Sonakshi calmly replies as if Manoman has understood our intention, 'Sagavad is going on in all other fields as well. This may be happening in the film industry as well. What makes me laugh is that the person who has sensationalized the word 'nepotism' is in charge of all his affairs.
(The gesture is towards the colored Ranaut.) For your information, my daddy (Shatrughan Sinha) has never called a producer and asked him to take my daughter in your film. Yes, so much so that my family knew Salman Khan's family so I got my first film Dabangg. He thought I was fit for the role. So gave me a break. After that I worked hard and the audience accepted me. '
Star Kids are being targeted right now. For example, before and after the release of Janhvi Kapoor's film 'Gunjan Saxena', there has been a backlash and Alia Bhatt's 'Sadak-Two' teller has also got the most dislikes on YouTube. What does Miss Sinha have to say about that? After a moment of silence, Sonakshi says, 'Sir, who likes Galia Khani? You are just an actor so someone will tell you anything! Young girls like Ananya Pandey, Janhvi Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Sonam Kapoor are being targeted. Imagine what would happen to them.
It is good that these girls are strong-willed and are facing everyone with courage. Bullying and trolling on social media sometimes affects one's mental health as well. Because there is nothing but negativity in it. People fall on you without any fault of yours. '
Now let's have some personal and positive conversations with Sonakshi. 'Sona, you have been away from Twitter for the last two months. Do you miss the gossip and murmur of people on Twitter now or are you enjoying staying away from the polluted climate? Can't stop, 'Sir, my life has become lighter since I left Twitter. So I have no complaints. I have even stopped commenting on Instagram.
How long can you live in a scorching environment of negativity? To be honest, Tesado is the only Tesado in my life after I chin up Twitter. For your information, we have launched a campaign against cyber bullying called 'Abbas'. Anyone who is mentally harassed due to trolling and bullying on social media should lodge a complaint with the police. What most people do not know is that there is a provision of 3 to 5 years imprisonment for those found guilty of this crime. All I have to say is that you should not remain silent in the face of injustice. '
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