The best solution to the problem of stones: from the key

Calculus or stone is found in the organs of the urinary tract. Kidney stones are known as renal calculus, bladder stones are known as vesicular calculus and gallstones are known as ureteral calculus. Stones that are thrown out of the body with the urethra are sometimes seen stuck in the urethra.

The stones are crystalline (crystalline) composed of bases such as calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, cysteine, and triple phosphate, which are smaller than a grain of sand to form the size of a large round stone, sometimes a rust. Such as crooked and pointed.

The exact cause of the stones is still unresolved. The following is usually associated with stones. (1) Infections of the urinary tract and especially the kidneys, tuberculosis and multiple myeloma, (2) Disorders such as hyperparathyroidism and Cushing's syndrome (3) Excessive intake of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin 'D' Medications, (2) Inadequate water intake or excessive sweating reduce the amount of water in the body, increase the concentration of urine which leads to the formation of hard stones, (3) when the level of uric acid increases in the body and there is a disease like gout (3) sometimes exercise Lack of or prolonged bed rest can be a possible cause of stones.

The following symptoms indicate the possibility of stones appearing from a set of symptoms. Individual-to-individual symptoms vary. Accurate diagnosis of stones can be confirmed by X-rays, sonography and urine tests.

Symptoms: (1) Low volume of urine with inflammation. (2) Bleeding through urine. (2) Pain or soreness in the abdomen, thighs, thighs and lower back (2) Mild fever (4) Nausea, vomiting and anorexia.

Now let's talk about the best food key for the problem of stones.

The key is a kind of bean. It is called 'Kulatth' in Sanskrit. The juice contains turmeric, spicy after digestion and increases bile (acid) in the body. If eaten in excess, it causes inflammation and inflammation in the stomach and spoils the blood and causes disorders in the blood. Sometimes it is so hot that it can bleed through the nose, mouth or anus. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it by people who have problems like acidity, ulcers. But it is also useful for patients with hot and hot stones. It is because of these qualities that the key has the property of breaking down stones into smaller particles. Surprisingly, keys were used to break the rocks of large mountains at a time when no dynamite or explosives had been discovered. In the cracks of the mountains, water was sprinkled on the ground by threshing the bark. It was covered with a thick layer of gravel, clay and lime. After a few days, the cracks in the rocks of these mountains increased so that the task of breaking the mountain became easier.

If you have a problem with stones, do the following experiment with keys. If it is not convenient, stop the experiment immediately.

Experiment: From about fifty grams of bananas to seven hundred ml. Add water and add about one hundred and fifty ml. Boil until the water rises. Remove the pot from the heat, add five grams each of Satodi, Gokharu and Ginger powder while the water is hot. Take three equal portions of this liquid in the morning, afternoon and evening. Do this experiment for a month. Medical advice must be sought with this adjuvant therapy.
