The monsoon comes and the cold seems to have spread the contagious disease. Everywhere you look, people are sneezing and wiping their noses with handkerchiefs. In fact, cold is not caused by rain or winter cold, but by a sudden change in the season. What we call common cold is a very common cold but it has some peculiarities.
Colds are a common disease but no amulet cure has been found yet. It is a contagious disease. However, no cure has yet been found for the viruses that spread it. Colds apply to anyone from small children to the elderly. There is hardly a person in this world who has never had a cold in his life.
We usually start taking medicine for various ailments like Koldarin Rolcidin etc. Some people put drops of eucalyptus oil in the handkerchief and hold the handkerchief on the nose. Some will use an inhaler with a menthol. Lozenges such as wax, wakisil or other peppermint will be sucked for sore throat.
Wax or balm will be applied on the neck, chest and back while sleeping in the morning, afternoon and at night while covering the blanket. Some people will drink doctor brandy in hot water with or without water or rub brandy on the soles of the feet. There are also many homeopathic and ayurvedic treatments. But we do not take the trouble to know why colds occur and to treat them from the root.
It is said that on an average, every person suffers from cold two to three times a year. Colds thus affect every part of the body but the nose and throat are especially affected. Most colds are caused by one or another type of virus. The primary symptom of a cold is when the respiratory system is blocked. Water then swallows from the nose, appearing to have a fever. Something goes wrong in the throat, the head feels heavy, there is constant mild pain in the body. Many people lose their appetite during a cold.
The reason given for catching a cold is that when the body's immune system is weakened, a cold virus attack causes a cold. In addition, colds are caused by allergies, insufficient sleep, and poor eating habits. Sometimes there is a sudden change in the weather, inhalation of smoke, dust, etc., even when the physical and mental condition has deteriorated. Excessive tension also causes colds to those who work long hours.
In addition, constipation and weakening of the liver also cause colds. However, scientists researching the subject of colds believe that the main cause of colds is changes in the 'toxic' state of the body. Such changes are caused by eating foods high in starch, carbohydrates and protein. Such foods produce acids.
Researchers believe that when the body produces more acid, it is more likely to cause a cold as a sign of deteriorating nasal health. Acid toxins in the body are increasing, the immune system is declining and the lungs are weakening.
Humans keep this toxin out because of the dose of the drug to prevent it from coming out instead of expelling it. In doing so, the toxins accumulate in the body. That's why when you catch a cold, clean your nose as often as possible and throw out the toxins in the form of cold. This waste in the form of litter and sputum comes out and regains its original health. Thus the cold continues until the accumulated toxins in the body are expelled in liters.
We believe that colds can be cured in seven days by taking medicine. Even if the disease does not go away in seven days, the disease automatically subsides after a week. This also means that there is no cure for the common cold.
The best way to treat a cold. Absolutely relax and if possible fast for a day or two. Drink nothing but fruit juice and heated water during fasting. Drinking fruit juice slows down the acidity in the body and drinking hot tea-coffee clears the kidneys.
An enema is sometimes given to cleanse the stomach and intestines. If you have a cold and feel full in the chest, take a bath with hot water so that the body is not exposed to the wind. Shaking hot water vapor on the nose relieves the nose. The 'hot pack' and 'fermentation' processes are often used. Rinsing with warm salted water stops the sore throat. In addition, deep breathing should allow more oxygen to enter the body and the blood.
Alkaline-based foods (fruits and vegetables) should be taken when the patient resumes eating after fasting for a day or two. Minerals in fruits and vegetables purify the blood and increase the activity of the cells in them and also increase the 'oxidation'. Meat, fish, eggs, cheese and other starchy foods should be avoided for a few days even after the cold is gone.
In medical science, the common cold is known as 'Cory's'. The medical scientist who identified the disease says that the cold is caused by the 'Rahino virus'. 'Rahino' is a Latin word meaning nose. It is said that colds are caused by a virus rather than an attack on the nose. These viruses are abundant in the environment.
Also, human beings are unknowingly manipulating cold insects. A person with a cold who touches anything, the cold virus is spread everywhere. When he sneezes, the virus enters the atmosphere in large quantities. Anyone who comes in contact with the virus can catch a cold within hours.
It is estimated that the average person gets a cold six to seven times a year. While some people with weak immunity and allergies to dust mites, as well as direct sunlight, get colds for many months. Some people have a cold that causes red eyes and swollen mucous membranes near the nose. The reason for this is that when there is a cold, there is an internal resistance process in the body to prevent the virus from spreading further.
It appears in the form of swelling or redness in the eyes. If the cold virus is very complicated, a very viscous and thick white liquid comes out instead of initially swallowing water from the nose. Which we call 'lit' shade or mucus. This white fluid is made up of body antibodies and white blood cells that fight off the virus. The runny nose should be cleared as soon as possible.
The effects of a cold can be felt only through the nose. However, it should be kept in mind that its germs start to spread everywhere in the body, which causes pain in the body, fever, and often headaches when there is a cold. The reason is that the germs in the blood contaminate it. The blood ruptures the nerves of the brain so that you feel restless and have a headache.
Extensive research on colds has been going on for the last several years. Also, countless scientists from all over the world are doing research day and night to find a cure for it. Dr. Sir Christopher Andrews, who lives in Milan, Italy, has done the most study and research in the field of cold in the world. He is a scientist at the Institute of Virology in Milan. Some of the misconceptions about colds have come to light after his research.
Many doctors around the world now believe that the common cold causes colds. The notion that standing on damp ground or soaking in water causes colds is false. If it were cold or rainy, the Eskimos and tundra people living on the ice islands at the north-south pole, and the tribes living in the rain-soaked Amazon jungles would not suffer from the cold for many months. Dr. Andrews bathed some of his students in very cold water for hours, then stood with open bodies in the cold blowing wind and then sprayed rainwater on them again. After this experiment, he examined the persons who got cold and other common cold patients, but no special difference was found.
Dr. Andrews also proved that the cause of the common cold is a type of virus. In his laboratory, he isolated the virus from the litter of a person who had a cold and raised them.
Yet it has been found that the cold virus is most quickly applied when a person's immune system is weakened. However, Dr. Andrews believes that cold germs attack all people equally and that if a person does not catch a cold, the reason may be that he or she has recently suffered from a cold.
Nowadays, most of the doctors prescribe various medicines and pills for allopathy due to cold. Also offers vitamin C pills at the same time. In this case too, Dr. Andrews says that it does not matter whether you take vitamin C or not when you have a cold. Nobel laureate Lions Polling was the first to suggest that taking a vitamin C pill relieves a cold patient. But Dr. Andrews says that if a person starts taking 200 mg of vitamin C tablets a day, there is a chance of kidney stones.
Scientists have not yet had much success with the virus that causes colds. No component has yet been found that can destroy the virus and control the disease. (The medicine that doctors prescribe for colds only dries up the phlegm)
Aspirin is sometimes given if there is a fever with a cold. Nasal congestion tablets are given. While Dr. Andrews recommends that everyone who has a cold should drink plenty of fluids and water. Because when there is a cold, the body becomes dehydrated. Also, if you have a headache or fatigue, water vapor should be inhaled.
Once a person is infected with most viral diseases, his or her body develops immunity to the disease for a lifetime. While cold is the only disease that recurs every year despite being a 'viral infection'. The reason given for this is that cold germs have very weak antigenic properties.
So the body that builds an army of 'antibodies' to fight it is also weak. It has been noted that the body's 'antibodies' produced to resist colds are destroyed within a period of six months. Some people get sinus after catching a cold. This is because the ducts of the sinuses that open into the nose when they catch a cold get blocked during a cold and so there is a chance of sinus disease. Such people should take immediate action if they show any signs of cold.
ENT, a specialist in nose, ear and throat in Mumbai. Is the surgeon. Which has given some information to know about cold. They say that many feel cold for many months. But the cold does not continue for many months. In such cases, the patient actually has rhinitis (swelling of the nasal mucosa cells due to allergies or other germs). Because a cold lasts no more than five or seven days. Sometimes, even if you have permanent sinus disease, you may have a cold for many months. In such cases, it is advisable for the patient to undergo minor sinus surgery.
Oral decongestants should be used instead of taking allopathic medicine when there is a cold. Inhaling nasal drops and steam is also beneficial. Those who have a cold due to allergies should recognize the allergy and stay away from sour fruit chocolate, onions, house dust, insects.
There are no precautionary measures to be taken to prevent colds. Yes only when a man sneezes should be avoided immediately. If it is not possible to walk away while sitting in the bus, we should cover our nose with a clean handkerchief. However, cold viruses are sometimes found in closed rooms three days after sneezing. Various vaccines have been developed to prevent colds. But in no case has there been success.
The reason why infectious colds seem to have erupted in the monsoons is because the humidity and heat in the atmosphere during the monsoons promotes the rapid growth of cold germs. So more and more people get colds as the spread of the virus increases. However, nasal drops should not be used too much when you have a cold. Also don't rely too much on some back, chest and neck creams. Otherwise the habit becomes permanent.
If a person is very bothered by a cold, it has become possible to cure it by performing a minor operation recently. Explaining this, Dr. Borkar says that if someone has rhinitis (runny nose) due to a permanent allergy, a small operation can be done on him using 'autohomiotherapy' method.
For this the patient takes some blood from the body and mixes it with corticosteroids and then gives it to the patient's nasal cells (nasal membranes) till the injection. Doing so increases the resistance to colds. Which gives relief for three to five years. In other cases of rhinitis (one hundred meters of rhinitis) the 'vidian nerve' is amputated. The vidian nerve is a type of muscle that supplies essential cells to the nose. Doing so gives relief for 15 to 6 months.
An organization called 'Common Cold Research Unit' in Britain, after conducting research on colds, released a report that a person's mental state plays an important role in causing colds. Dr. David Tyrell of the institute says that a person who suffers more from mental anguish is more bothered by colds. That is why urban people are more prone to colds than rural people. The mental stress of the citizens is created in an environment where there is more stress. Food is also taken against the rules of the diet.
How many human hours do human beings waste every year even due to a common disease like cold? Colds are so strange that even a small complaint of runny nose is not tolerated by a human being. And that is why he adopts various recipes for colds. Doctors have been battling a common ailment like cold for years but the fact is that they have not been able to control even this minor ailment.
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