Well known filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has broken his silence after a number of allegations that actor Sushant Singh Rajput's career was ruined due to sabotage in Bollywood. After the actor's death with allegations ranging from groupism to nepotism, many rumors surfaced that many said that Sushant's talent was not recognized by the film industry and that the frustrated actor took a step that no one could have imagined.
Of course, there are many conflicting reports about Sushant Singh's death, but filmmaker Anurag Kashyap shared screenshots of what he said on WhatsApp with Sushant Singh's manager, explaining why he didn't work with the actor. "I'm sorry because I did, but this chat is three weeks before the actor's death, which I did with his manager on May 6. I didn't need to reveal it, but now I feel the need to." "Yes, I have my own reasons why I didn't want to work with him," Kashyap wrote on Twitter.
In this chat, Sushant's manager requested that this actor sign your next project. "I know you don't like people throwing stones at an actor. I think I should take your chance. If you think it is fit to come anywhere with us, then you need it in the mind of Sushant Singh Rajput. As an audience this is exactly what it is. I would love to see you both create something better, '' the message from the manager read.
Anurag Kashyap replied: He is a very troubled person. I have known him since before he started working here and I know that he worked in the film 'Kai Po Cheh'.
He wrote, "In addition, on June 19, I had a conversation with his manager. If you want to see what he did. What he did is really shocking, but he didn't hide anything behind it ... and people whose family he didn't care about. Honestly, let me judge what you want. '
Sent a screenshot of the manager's message mentioning the problem between the actor and the filmmaker, which read: 'I haven't shared your feedback with anyone and he hasn't even asked me what happened. Anurag's reply was read: 'Hello, I have left (name has been darkened). Because Mukesh told me that Sushant wanted to do my film .. After this Sushant died and I left the film in abeyance. '
In this regard, the manager replied, 'Sushant has a lot of respect for him and' Gattu 'nominated Abhishek Kapoor as the director.
‘We have always been honest. This is why I am upset and I know (name is darkened) that something is happening with her. So, I decided to stay away from both of them. I also felt that I should talk to him directly instead of holding on to this, but .. 'Anurag replied.
After this the manager replied, this lockdown and helplessness caused the work to resume, but the whole thing got worse. I thought about this too. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I will always be by your side because of your honesty. You live your life on your own terms. May this be your peace.
Anurag also asked about the actor's family and was also informed about his sister. He asked if it was true that he was younger or older than Che. ‘This incident must have been very traumatic for them too,’ he wrote.
The statement came the day after Sushant's girlfriend and actress Riya Chakraborty were arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau in connection with a drug case involving the actor's death.
Why is the industry silent?
Many Bollywood celebrities have raised their voices for Riya Chakraborty to get justice, giving a strong message against the patriarchal social system. Then filmmaker Anurag Kashyap raised his voice against the complaint as to why the industry has remained silent on the investigation of Sushant Singh Rajput and said that now open your mouth. The film's creator posted on Twitter and a statement saying that everyone wants to exploit Riya.
He has also asked the question on what basis do you know that he did not do this and did not do that. Do you know what's going on? The whole industry really knows, he has seen and even interacted with SSR over nine to ten years.
Yes, we know better. The director further added that there is a reason why the whole industry knows this and is silent. Yet there is also solidarity for Rhea, even if she has gone too far now. However, the Republic has not yet commented.
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