During the lockdown, actress Amaya Dastur was getting time to stay with her parents. However, the initial time was very harsh. The actress says that every time the lock was extended, my soul would get higher and I would get dizzy. But I gradually became active on social media. I also joined some online classes. And now I'm in a hurry to get back to work.
Amaya, who started her acting career with Manish Tiwari's 'Ishaq' in 2014, says that Bollywood seems to be in a quandary for critics. Yes, I am not saying that there is no problem in the film industry. But which is the field in which there are no good-natured, both aspects. Actually our life is like a book to reveal. People think they can leave the commentaries they want on us. Trouble if we say anything and trouble if we remain silent.
"We are saddened when the actors from the film family get the job easily," says Amayara, who has been the talk of the film industry for a long time. But you can't hold on to the fact that you can't consider them your enemies for this reason. If you have the benefit of hindsight in life, you have to pick it up.
But in the end, it is the viewers who do the work of putting any artist on their head. They also follow their favorite artist. However in the current situation it is really unfortunate that people hate actors from the film family. In such a situation, if the artists from outside start gaining importance, the whole scenario will be reversed.
Amaya admits that Bollywood has a policy of factionalism and bigotry. But he says this applies to every industry. And everyone has to face it. We do not live in a milk-washed world. I don’t believe anyone has been pushed to the margins. Decreases being a solution to any problem. Everyone loves certain people more than some people dislike them. But that doesn't mean the person whose opinion differs from yours is bad.
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