C.C.T.V. Bolta hai.

CCTV is an ultra-modern invention for the new generation. But a whole generation over forty knows that this sophisticated CCTV camera is village piracy. Our villages were very advanced. Currently, big cities have the same type of CCTV cameras. But in our village, there were two types of CCTV cameras. The elders who stole the village were the main mail CCTV cameras of the village. And there were Doshiyo female CCTV cameras in every street.

The elders who stole the register with the footnote of which guest, whose house, what time he came and how many days he stayed, i.e. the mail was kept by CCTV. In addition, a detailed note of which mother-in-law does not believe in which mother-in-law and which boy hangs out behind which girl was kept on the street doshis i.e. female CCTV.

If you look at it this way, the CCTV cameras in the villages were alive and the CCTV in the cities was said to be inanimate. At the moment, the gate of every new site reads 'You are in the custody of CCTV cameras.' That means stay close or you will get stuck. Sally we feel like a thief. CCTV cameras may have been invented at a time when man's trust in man was at stake. So, CCTV cameras are the seat of our faith. CCTV is installed at the doorsteps of shops and burglary shops during the cremation procession.

The full form of CCTV is the administration of avoiding thieves while stealing. As the smart city was being built, the city's squares came under CCTV.

Where does a couple sit in a car and shout? Whose gagi goes with whose gaga with bukani tied on the mouth? How many cars does the rich man have and how many times does the laborer's bicycle get punctured? In this case, the bulk of the correct information is with the city's CCTV.

CCTV is the third eye of the police, but it does not kill like the third eye of Shiva, but only witnesses everything. CCTV was installed in SmartCity to catch the actual thief. But thieves are always one step ahead of the police.

Thieves never steal cars or bikes

There is no way out with CCTV. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. The difference between CCTV and plain TV is that plain TV. Entertainment while CCTV captures entertainment.

I always think of CCTV cameras like the severed head of Bhima's grandson Barbaric in the battle of Mahabharata. He must have known that the young Paldi, who was riding a forty-speed bike at once, was about to hit someone. But CCTV silently witnesses both pleasant and tragic events. So if you look at it this way, like the Buddha-man who has reached the height of spirituality, CCTV is watching the whole world. What if the CCTV camera had read?

The horse that came out of the wedding phuleka, even if it came out in a Mercedes is called a horse. The camera speaks loudly as if a horse is passing through CCTV. Let the bride stay. The bride you are going to marry has been in love with twenty young men for the last ten years. Just after so many statements from CCTV, will the groom reach Mandve? Consider how many young people remain single as a result.

As soon as someone's funeral procession goes out and someone's Bapuji's body comes out from the CCTV camera, the CCTV camera starts saying, 'This man has ruined the village to the tune of six and a half crores, no one has done good business. Eighteen of the 2,000 men on scooters behind the funeral procession escaped after hearing CCTV footage.

Two TV serials have contributed to the popularity of CCTV. One is CrimePatrol and the other is B.A.G. (CID) in which Ola comes with a mouth like an old constipation.

The realm of CCTV is mostly found in the basements of large buildings and in the corners of shopping malls. Where in the mall is the wife of a millionaire stealing how many apples? CCTV is required to view it.

If the CCTV cameras of the city start moving and talking like the old CCTV cameras of the village, then there will be an earthquake in every house in the city! Your Jethalal was sitting in the Falana garden with Babita next to him today. If a CCTV camera comes to the house and says this, then the kindness that seems calm will feel pity on the husband, right? Think! Smileram of Sairam


Pure religion should be public, not sectarian.

The sect that builds, the religion that frees.

- Acharya Satyanarayana Goenka
