Do karma, why worry about the result?

The army of Kauravas and Pandavas was arranged face to face in the field of Ku Rukshetra. The soldiers were challenging Hakota for their respective victories. Arjuna, the general of the Pandavas, said to his charioteer Lord Krishna, 'Take me to the middle of the field, for I have to see the army of the Kauravas.' He saw his grandfather, uncle, Guruji and brothers in the army and his limbs fell. 'Do I have to win this war by killing my relatives?'

Disappointed, he laid down his arms and thought of fleeing or surrendering. Lord Krishna preached and said, 'Partha, you must do karma. Don't worry about the outcome, whatever is going to happen, it will happen. If you leave the field, future generations and history will never forgive you. ' One of the best books of this teaching is Shrimad Bhagwat Gita.

How many tasks are we doing every day. Each time we move forward thinking of the future. If a bad result comes to mind, we fall back and run away. How many students have run away and dropped out if they are not prepared to come to the examination hall. The young man who came to give the interview saw so many candidates in the hall, went back in panic, what to say to him? Hey, brother, the result is what is to come, do the deeds.

Good and bad events and occasions keep happening in life. What is going to happen will continue to happen, then why worry about it? We have to accept that what is going to happen is unalterable, then whether it happens or not, why such a shock? Whatever is going to happen, whether it is favorable or unfavorable to you, let it be accepted.

Suppose your grandfather is suffering from a serious illness. The result is the same, either it will get better or the elder will close his eyes forever, if you become absorbed in his thoughts and worries and do nothing, then the opposite result is certain. Do nothing instead. Get him admitted to a good hospital, take the opinion of another doctor if necessary, but if you lose your mental balance, why not? If the opposite happens, accept the fact that instead of thinking, 'What will happen to me now?' Yes, it is necessary to maintain the death of an elder. Life is like a flowing spring and death is eternal

The truth is, it loosely accepts.

No situation makes us happy or unhappy but it is our attitude towards it that makes us feel happy and unhappy. Therefore, the worrying and painful situation must be resisted through deeds. Then what is going to happen will happen. We, the people there, are still afraid of the name of the court, the office, the police, etc., and even though we know that we are being treated unfairly, we don't do anything thinking who will fall into such scams and then spend our whole lives arguing that I would have filed a court case. So good thing. But nothing can happen after the time limit.

Non-violence and goodness are okay to some extent but why do foreigners come and destroy our temples, break idols and do nothing? On the other hand, we also have to face it by taking up arms, if we do not do all the deeds, then history will recognize us as baila, namard, or semenless.

The tyranny and oppression of the British who ruled over the whole world increased in our country. The battle for Swaraj was going on all around. But the British were not bothered by the toss. The people of India were horrified. In the end, Mahatma Gandhiji left his Sabarmati Ashram and said, "Even if I die at the hands of crows and dogs, I will not return without taking Swaraj." And he started the 'Leave India' movement. His determination for karma eventually led to the liberation of the country.

No one can say for sure what will happen in the future so there is no point in worrying about it but do karma to suit the situation, the circumstances, the environment. In heavy rains and storms, upright trees are uprooted while shrubs and small trees survive. There is a well in front, but you have to venture out and die. Such a crazy adventure is not called karma. One should think to oneself that what I am doing is true and true, so I will definitely win by working as hard as I can.

After the disappearance of Lord Shriram Sitaji, he wandered in the forest and kept on exploring. Accompanied by monkeys, he crossed the sea to the far south, reached Sri Lanka and defeated King Ravana. Finally Sita's mother was released. It was his hard work that gave him victory. Would have been sitting in the forest mourning instead ??

Chhatrapati Shivaji was captured by Aurangzeb. Now his death was decided. But why sit still? You have to do some karma. Eventually Carrie sat in the basket and fled. If caught in it too, death was certain. Yet instead of sitting, instead of crying, he did karma and his life was saved and the foundation of the Maratha Empire was laid in the country.

Socrates, a well-known philosopher in Athens, was sentenced to death by a mob. The jailer was his friend. He explained, 'Endure with love what is certain.' Socrates lovingly swallowed a bowl of poison and became immortal forever.

Last Stroke: What is going to happen will happen. Must try to stay than karma. Adverse consequences have to be accepted with love otherwise victory may come. There is nothing to be gained by sitting, being scared, or running away. If you do something, you will get something. Deer never fall into the mouth of a sleeping lion.
