It is in the best interest of the individual to get out of the addiction and addiction in the lockdown
During a five-month long lockdown, Rajesh Parekh (name has been changed), a chartered accountant, who spent days between the four walls of his house, began to suffer from deep anxiety, fatigue, restlessness and inability to concentrate at work. When a 9-year-old man living in Mulund sought the help of a psychologist, he found out that he was suffering the consequences of spending too much time on social media.
"After a constant scrolling on social media and a constant comparison with the profiles of family and friends, it dawned on me that everyone except me was having fun and having fun," said Mumbai-based psychologist and addiction therapist. Says Shital Bidkar. His experience says that sticking to a mobile phone for hours at night deprives a person of sleep, which makes him irritable and cannot concentrate on his work. In Rajesh's case, he could not meet his work deadline. In addition, his mind was constantly on worries and thoughts of guilt.
Many Indian youths like Rajesh Parekh have become addicted to one or the other harmful habit as their routine has become unnatural due to lockdown. Such as stress eating (eating irregularly due to stress or overeating), intoxication or uncontrollable behavior. All of these have short- and long-term effects on mental health. "Neglecting mental health can make the corona epidemic worse," he warned. Bidkar adds that 'work-from-home overwork, boredom of watching videos, separation from loved ones and increased loneliness are leading human beings to resentment and unbridled behavior.
When people feel that they have no control over their lives, sometimes stress and anxiety lead them to sleep deprivation or alcoholism. However, psychiatrist Dr. According to Kedar Tilve, digital addiction is becoming more and more prevalent among the people today.
There is no addictive or dirty habit in the world that cannot be got rid of. There is also a remedy for addictions and addictions during lockdown. Should come:
1) Drug addiction: More or less any kind of intoxication is harmful to health and for intoxication a person adopts legal or illegal route. Some people argue that smoking a cigarette or a peg of alcohol does no harm.
Do small amounts of intoxication or do large amounts of intoxication without showing its effects, it gradually affects your body, brain and productivity.
Remedy: Keep a few days a week for detoxification. Stop drinking alcohol on those days. As a result, the person gradually becomes free from the bondage of drugs.
4) Behavior change: In English it is called behavioral addiction. When you do something that gives you momentary pleasure, dopamine or a pleasure chemical flows into the reward center of your brain and you get a kind of 'kick' for a short period of time. Behavioral addiction develops inside you when you do a certain type of behavior to get a kick or 'high' over and over again. You then forget that it has a negative effect on your body and brain. Common behavioral addictions include food, gaming, plastic surgery, sex, gambling, shopping, and porn literature.
Remedy: The first step to get rid of this evil is acceptance. Behavioral addiction without proper management cracks relationships and ruins lives. So admit to yourself that I have manners and I have to get out of that problem. Then seek the help of a psychiatrist.
2) Digital Addiction: Due to changing routines and work from home, most of us spend most of the day online. In some cases, it even leads to abuse and slavery. Digital addiction is a victim of routine activities and does not maintain personal and professional commitments. If a person engages in an activity online and is interrupted by another person, his anger immediately escalates. This is the reason why parents are forced to commit suicide when they snatch a smartphone from their teenage children.
Remedy: The easiest way is to set a timer on your apps and not exceed the limit. Take a mini break between two sessions. Set aside one day a week or at least 2 hours for digital detox. Also give time to your co-workers, friends and family. Develop a new hobby or skill.
2) Stress eating: Stress eating is also called emotional eating. In this, a person eats even though he is not hungry due to stress. Excessive food intake in stress eating and lack of regular eating and drinking has a detrimental effect on physical and mental health.
Remedy: First find the source of the stress. Get regular meditation and exercise to relieve stress. Get help from friends and family too.
- Ramesh Dave
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